How Safe Are Your Bowling Balls?


Hi Everyone,
My bowling balls got stolen last night. They were stolen out of my garage. I took for granted that no one would want to steal bowling balls. This is all that was taken. They were a Hammer Vicious Attack, Hammer Blade, Quantum Denim. They were in a 3 ball amf bag. I am offering a reward if anyone finds these or offer information to me getting them back. what would anyone want with second hand bowling balls? With Cannon Hill cup comeing up i am in a real pickle. The Quantum is my favourite as it was my ball i bowled 300 with. Next time they go in my house and locked away. :( :(

I find this to be a really crappy thing to have happen, and may really bad Karma befall the cretins who stole your gear.

I know it's not as good as what was stolen, but I have a fairly new Track "Money" that you can have until such time as you replace what was stolen.

It's not much but I hope it helps, just send me your address and I will send it down.


Steve :D :D :D
Thank you for your offer and kind words. I do have five other balls but very old. they will have 2 do untill insurance come through hopefully. Cannon Hill will be interesting, the best ball i own now is the Quantum Fire, once again Thank you.
Sorry to here about that steve .. did they take anything else ?? Or just your bowling balls ?? How strange .. :shock:

I often worry that my gear will be stolen as at my centre there are no lockers to accommodate for 4 ball bowling bags and i can't take my gear home every week as i sometimes have to walk to bowling which isn't easy rolling a 4 ball bag down the road for an hour, so i pay the rental fee to leave mine in the pro shop, but people could easily be in an out of there in a second without being seen.

Good luck at Cannon Hill Steve .. :lol: :lol: :lol:

* Mandii *
That was all that was taken. My bowling shoes were in the bag as well. I guess in this day and age you cant take for granted that your balls will be safe no matter where you leave them. I hope we dont get to the stage that you cant leave your bag at a bowling alley in a tornament and worry if its going to go missing or not.
Thanks Steve
Sorry to here about it again, i know how expensive bowling equipment is these days, and to have so much takin is a damn shame ..

Mandii :lol:
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