Happy Birthday shellby!!!

oh thanks
i thin k i g ave drank enough for everyoe in his site tonigt

sorry bout writing its n o good at that moment..
i had a dance for alll;; of yous 2niye at woodpory :D

me love you's
thanks D
and K
and jace
and gotta say me is glkad to be a god mymmmu too.. i lovbe my lil neice, :D
hey hey shell...

Happy 18th Birthday

Hope you had a good one and did all the necessary stuff one is supposed to do when it is one's 18th :twisted:

If you haven't had a drink or 20 for me yet then write it down cos thats the first thing you gonna be doing tomorrow hehehehe :p

From, umm, i'll get back to you on that one hehe :twisted: :p :twisted:

Later :)
hey shelly

happy birthday for yesterday
hope u had a great one

see you soon
love always
lil flicky

Omg I didn't relise it was your birthday stupid stupid stupid oh well I'm sure you won't hate me too much for it,coz you know I love ya :lol: Anyways I hope you had an awesome day and you got lots of pressie and stuff and I'll see ya at nats YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not long to go now !!!! oh

Love Kara Kara Kara KARA
happy bday for the other day shellby sry for the late msg but i still said HAPPY BIRTHDAY

L8R from BOONG
thanks boong!
lol thanks everyone this is heaps sweet ") i love you all :D

love shellbs

Sorry its a bit late dude - but I've not had access to the net for over a week.
Hope you had a great night and got hammered :D
From Matty :wink:
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