Happy Birthday Mr Speed Bump Simpson


Facebook Rocks
Just wanted to wish Danny a very Happy 39th Birthday.

Oh how close to 40 you are lol,;) hope you have a great day.

Many happy returns.

I am sure the Gold Coast team will have a few drinks with you on the weekend to celebrate.

Yes correct,
Wishing you a Very Happy 9th anniversary of your 30th Birthday..;)
I have the Rum already packed.....
Have a great day Danny!!!!!
happy birthday champ

i think he will be celebrating this arvo at Ashy Bowl with some "special coaching" including the kneel down drill with his personal coach ;)
the joys of being almost at the top of the hill.......

happy birthday Danny, enjoy it, as time goes REAL fast once you hit 40!!!

Broni & Jagga
Happy birthday Speedbump.

I knew you were older than me, now I know by how much :p :p :p

Chris G.
I hope you packed 39 rumbos for Dan for the W/E. Only fitting for to have 1 drink for every year this fine VINTAGE has fermented.(definitely more than 39% alcohol by now considering those monday night specials we used to do).

Hope you had a good day, see you friday for the road trip :).
Happy birthday................................:morning:

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