Hello all,
Thought I had better make a reply to all the good wishes that everyone gave me on here. Thanks all.
The 2 games really pulled me out of the poo. I didnt miss the pocket for 24 shots, starting the 1st game with the 1st 3 X's, solid 7 pin spare, solid 10 pin spare, then sheeted out for 268. I then continued on for a very nice 300, all 12 reasonably solid (a cpl of light ones in there!!). I shot 19 in a row which is the most I have ever strung 2gether. All in all, it was a fairly good wkend.
Now to answer some of the Questions asked during the thread
"Yeh fantastic effort ol boy..... even more so for it being your 1st one out of Launceston..."
Yes Bruv, very true my 1st outside my home centre so I am pretty stoked about that.
"Must have been all that practise that you have been doing on OUR lanes before Select Club on friday nights. "
LOL @ Garry. Still pissed about that. LOL. Just for the others, here a few weeks ago I did practice b4 league(even KC was shocked) and I bowled 5 games on Garrys pair. When he went to bowl on them he had no area as the oil moved around and took his shot away. I was just trying to make the league a bit more competitive towards the end of the season (which they still won!)
"Nice finish gus (12th) not sure but is this your 1st cut in a super 6 event?"
No Bruv, finished 12th at SA Cup in January, qualified in 8th.
"congratulations, its great to see you bowling so well, looks like all your hard work is paying off, keep it up and goodluck for future endvevours"
Jason, you make it sound like I am leaving the country. LOL
Cheers All