Greenslopes results


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
Yeah it was a no tap but we had some fun. Don't ask me the scores because they were huge! Congrats to Jon King who won by 200 or so. 2nd was Peter Brierly who managed to get infront of me by 7 in the last game. Here are the top 4 because thats all I can remember

1st Jon King
2nd Peter Briely
3rd George Frilingos
4th Kevin Blackmore

Thanks to AMF for kicking in $2500 sponsrship it made a huge difference. Too bad I got nothing for my 900 series for 3
now without trying to give you a humugous rap george, did you say 900/3?????

i,ve bowled in a bzillion notap marathons and events over the years and no-one has come close...........
i would even put my balls on the line and say you could be the first.

any one out there seen this before??????????

also.....let me think about this...........
john king..........lefty!!!!
peter brierly......lefty!!!!

now dont rush me , i'm thinking hard on this one.................
george frilingos......lefty!!!!

what the............

and fourth place getterer.......kev this the same kev blackmore from melbourne 100 years ago?????

well done guys, sounds like there were big scores.......and a special thanks to amf on their contribution
yes trev

same kevin blackmore, bowling down at legends

cya around

P.S come on the road trip to mildura

It was the strangest thing, all through the 14 games qualifying and 2 games of finals I bowled as per usual winging the ball, 15 out to 5 with no much sucess, yeah a couple of 278's but mostly 210's and 220's, hardly a decent no tap score to say the least. The guys with lesser hand than me (yes they exist) were killing it.

I then sought inspriration from Jon Filko who I continually observed scattering 9's all day (with the occasional 8-10 and 5-7). I then took off the hallowed wristguard and proceeded to the left gutter. I threw some bullets to the 2 pin with a good 4 revs and what do you know, some scores. Here are my last 6 games

255 (opened the 10th), 300, 300, 300, 266, 297 = 1718 for 6.

I finished 3rd, I have no doubts that if this event was on again, I would improve that finish. For a second there I thought 5 x 300's in a row were on the cards but a 3-7 put an end to that when I fell off the shot.

I wonder if it is some sort of record????
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