great display of bowling


matt smith

this arvo at kedron in the brissy area champs john fry the lefty from kedron shot the lights out..... 247, 299, 268 for a 814 series.

great bowling man, u truly deserve it, its a record for kedron isnt it?? even if it isnt excellent bowling man, keep it up,

later yall

John mate

A huge achievement for anyone, let alone a junior - WELL DONE

damn that bloody 7 pin though



p.s. i think it was the ICP, matt will agree
dam straight krissy, it was all the icp we were listenin to, didnt help us much tho did it hahahaha
ahh no matt it didn't really serve us too well did it

he stole all the good vibes because it was his car - but you got the plan for masters tomorrow eh
not only was there john's 814, but chris sloman also shot 769 today with a 289 in the middle game. he too could have and probably should have made 800, but if it wasn't for a couple of unlucky 10-pins in the last game, then he would have.

just checking some scores from over the years, and i think the 814 would definately be the best ever 3 game series bowled at kedron. top bowling john, i haven't seen anyone so composed over 3 games. does anyone know if he missed the pocket at all?? for someone who has never shot a 700 series before, this one is truly deserved.

i must say it was a damn shame about that 7-pin for the 299... i think everyone in the centre was hoping it would go. there was nothing wrong with the shot in my opinion. all i have to say is that you were so unlucky. if anyone deserved a perfect game, it would have been you. however, this won't be the last time we will see your name with 11-in-a-row, hopefully it will be 12-in-a-row.

once again great bowling to both chris and john, i must admit i don't think i've seen bowling and scores any better EVER. keep up the great work fellas
just a follow up on my post from yesterday, tonite in the invitational masters jason lambert bowled his 2nd 300, EXACTLY 2 years after his first,

good on ya jase, but did u really have to do it agianst ME in masters??

congradulations also go out to ben brudenel(spelling?) who bowled his high game of 288, and again to john fry for his outstanding effort

great bowling guys
what is it about the brisbane champs - all these big games??

congrats to jase it was a great game although if i were matt I would be feeling pretty unlucky right now

also congrats to ben for his 288,

and Andy Nobbs and Charmaine Risely who took out the Invitational Masters today, Charmaine bowling a great 268 to seal the win, great bowling.
Congrats to John on a outstanding acheivement on the weekend..

And to Jason Lambert for his second 300 in the masters...

And to Charmaine for winning the masters with me...outstanding bowling...

Congrats to Jason for his 2nd 300 good stuff man keep it up

congrats to Andy for wining invertationals again and to the girls winner too

As for you matty **** in about having the 30 bowled against ya haha now you know how tony feels when you bowled yours against him
Well firstly I would like to congratulate my mixed doubles partner on a GREAT performance, well done John it was truely deserved. You made my 550 look pretty dismal though
O well I am not worried. I am sure some time in the near future you will achieve the big 300. I am positive you will. I couldnt believe how calm you were, you composed yourself very well and you have a great future ahead of you.

As for Jason, top game buddy and how strange that you did it on the exact same day, very trippy if i must say myself.

Congrats to Ben for his 288, I think we will be seing alot more of this young talent.

Congrats to Andy and Charmaine for their wins in the invitational masters. Job well done, you both deserved it. I would like also like to congratulate Andy and Charmaine on their wonderful All Events scores. Andy shot 1990 i think (could be wrong tho) and Charmaine shot 1920. Brilliant bowling if I must say myself.

Lastly I would like to congratulate all bowlers on their performance over the last two weekends, the bowling and sportsmanship has been excellent.

Oh and good luck to all bowlers competing in the Mini and Open Masters next weekend.

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