Great Australian beers?

Andrew S.

Gold Coast
I was just given a bottle of Little Creatures. This is an Australian beer which was really quite tasty. I've never heard of it before, does anyone here have a favourite local beer ?
At least there's one southerner that knows the only real beer in Tassie comes from the North!

Can't top a Boags!
Heh, ive heard of that before, has a pic of a cherub on the bottle (?)if it does, it comes from Fremantle.

I dont really drink beer, well not anymore, so i dont have a fav local. I dont mind a bit of Murphy's (the stout, not the red lager) and i dont mind a bit of Killkenny's either, reminds me of raisin toast :D
XXXX is always good when your already drunk !! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm not that big a fan of Australian beers, I tend to find that they all try to be too bitter and hoppy.

But if I had to choose I would probably have to go with a James Squire Pillsner, failing that Tooheys Xtra Dry is alright too.
Well you should be a big fan of Australian beers.
They've been helping ugly people have sex since 1862.

I tried that Little creatures last night, wasn't overly impressed. Found it to be waaaaaay too bitter and abrasive.

Also tried another Aussie beer, the JAmes Squire Wheat Beer, that on the other hand was rather nice. Very delicate flavour, and your burps taste of banana after drinking it too.

Tell me what you think

androooo said:
Nothing beats a Boags ;)

EWWWWWW Grog Bog that stuff :shock:

Cascade Draught in a long neck beer bottle :D Very Tasty
AS you can imagine I've tried EVERY beer known to man over the years haven't got a real defined favourite.

I used to drink 2-3 cartons of Tooheys Red a week once - no wonder I hardly drink these days............ :shock:
I don't have much experience with Aussie brews per se.

However, where I come from, every pub has it's own microbrewery, giving each place their own specialty. One place I prefer has terminator stout, and hammerhead ale, both quite tasty.
Doh...I meant almost every pub.

There are ones that choose to sell the yellowish water marketed by most macrobreweries.
Hahahaha as if you'd drink NSW beer hahahahaha. XXXX...and if you wanna go into New Zealand beers, DB was alright. :p
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