Gorgeous New Arrival :)



I would just like to congatulate my bro Jason and his fiance Hayley on the arrival of their healthy baby girl, Maddison Cailin Mooney at 10.35am. Both baby and mum are doing great. Maddison weighed in at 7 pound 10 and is sooooo gorgeous.
Take care of my lil niece guys.
Luv ya both :wink:
Lauren xoxoxo
:D Congratulations Hayley and Jason, we are glad that everthing is good and that Maddison is healthy and that Hayley is also doing well.
She will bring you lots of joy and happiness, and we wish you all the best for the future, no doubt we will see you round! Take care and congratulations, love from Tash,Ben,Caleb and baby Billing :D :D
See, I told you Hayley, it went fine!!

Finally, Maddy is here!! YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS to you both Hayley and Jason. Great parents I am sure you will be. Just make sure that you don't let her be a bowler pleeeeease... hahahaha

Also CONGRATULATIONS to both lots of Grandparents too. Pam and Kevin and Jo and Steve. And to both Aunty's too. Lauren and Jess. Man she is gonna spoilt hey.. :lol:

Take care guys and no doubt we'll see her around the traps!
Lots of love

8) 8)
CONGRATS GUYS on the arrival of your lil baby girl :)
I'm sure Maddison will bring you two the best Joy of your life!

Thats great that everyone is doing well :) Can't wait to see her :) From the two photos i have already seen she looks totally adorable and will be a stunner when she is older :)

Congrats to the whole family and the two aunties and grandparents that are extremly proud :)

Lotza Love Lil Leisa and family xxxx
yeah congratulations guys thats awesome

u guys r saying how cute she is?? with jase as the father thats a bit surprising :shock: hahah nah im just kidding :D . i saw 2 pics and she looks heaps cute.
well take care and i hope 2 c her soon.

take it e z
michael 8)
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