Good onya totalbowling............


It is apparent to us that this terrific site is scoring an increased number of 'hits' and Graham should be congratulated for giving all of us the opportunity to discuss, be informed, criticise and promote the sport the we are all so passionate about. From a marketing point of view, we, at BowlAustralia measure the effectiveness of our communication devices continually. This being the case we would advise that both brochures for THE 2003 BRUNSWICK AUSTRALIAN CUP and the 2003 BRUNSWICK YOUTH/JUNIOR CUP will soon be available for distribution.

Any bowler interested in obtaining a copy may do so by emailing their mailing address to us at:-
Thanks Roy

The increase that Roy is talking about is the magical 1000 Unique hits in a day that I have aspired to since Day 1 of the site - in website terms if you hit 1000 per day you are doing very well.

The site averages around 700 unique visitors per day over the last few months, well up from the 50 when it all first started and 400 that it was doing only a few months ago.

Last month during the NSW Open, we had 997 Unique visitors in one day, which was a record until the SPC.

During the SPC :

Day 1 : 1017
Day 2 : 1137
Day 3 : 1135
Those figures are very impressive.
Maybe we should all stop and think a little harder before rushing into print.
For my part I'll try to be more tolerant. (Wayne Chester are you reading this?)
Further to this, the past two days have brought the two biggest Non Tournament days , with

1078 Unique visitors 15/9 &
1005 Unique visitors 16/9
As I posted earlier in another thread , keep up the great work and also with us the bowlers being able to discuss freely what we want and voice our oppinion and how we feel is great, but hey with over 1000 hits in a day, gee the site isn't that good is it :?: :roll:

Bugger the negatives who have the problem/s But glad to hear the site is doing better than ever :D
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