Good luck to the Aussie SENIOR team off to Guam


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
All the best the 'more experienced' bowlers who are representing Australia in Guam this week, go get em! s l o w l e y................
I would also like to send my best wishes to the seniors who are on there way over to Guam to do there country proud! All the best guys and gals and go get em!!!!!!!

But i do believe Jagga has an unfair advantage, because he told me that since he got his new Lane #1 arsenal a couple of weeks ago he feels like he really should be representing our youth team! :D

Best of luck to the whole team and do us proud!

Keep me posted Broni, if you ever stop shopping!

G'day All;
I would also like to add my good wishes to all the boy's and girl's I hope you all enjoy your trip and the competition.
I know you will do your best.
Best wishes :D :D :D :D :D
Ray Krueger
Good luck to the Australian Team going off to Guam. I am certain you will do great and I am sure you all will have a great time :D Oh and don't forget...STAY OUT OF TROUBLE :wink:
On behalf of all the travelling Aussies, thank you all very much for your thoughts and good wishes. The team and the support crew have all settled well into the climate and lifestyle of the Guamininans, and are looking forward to letting ourselves loose on the lanes in Guam.

The support crew showed much restraint when bowling on the lanes next to the Australian team, and did not dazzle the locals too much with their bowling prowess - the house shoes and house balls do a lot for one's confidence!!! :roll:

we are off to the lanes now for a bit of practise< the official stuff starts tomorrow< with the first day of competition being singles on friday> will endeavour to keep people updated as often as we can get to this internet cafe!

cheers< and HAFA ADAI from Guam

The Support Crew:
Broni, Kathy, Sally, and Terry 8)
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