Good luck Qld Rachuig Teams

They should be ok Andrew, we only left them 2 bourbons in the fridge.

Although ... the pub is only 70 metres away ...
Spanner it might only be 70m to get to it buts its been a 400m stagger home!:rolleyes:
good luck and good bowling to all the guys & girls in the Sth Qld rauchig teams.....

Have (at least) one for me
Good luck to both Queensland Rachuig teams.....but go NQ! We were so good at our accomodation we were offered a glowing reference....I know amazing isn't it - first time for everything! So don't spoil it!
PS Under the seats in one of the busses you will find some left over rolls of loo paper we used to decorate the other teams busses.....thought we should help em out as they obviously didn't have time to do it themselves!
And Queensland north are off to a good start in the first day. We're proud of you guys...keep up the good work!
Go Queensland North!!! Go the men you guys are bowling awesome.....and dont worry ladies im sure you will all improve tomorra.... your all bowling well.....we are proud of ya's

GO DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Dunn's Favourite ;)
Jase said:
Spanner it might only be 70m to get to it buts its been a 400m stagger home!:rolleyes:

Hey Jase, did you get the Sat Nav gear I sent down for you and the boys?;) It was packed in the guts of the box of Bundy!! Good bowling mate!!



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