Gold Coast Regional Masters winners

Andrew S.

Gold Coast
GC Regional Masters was run and won today at Coolangatta-Tweed Tenpin.
In the Mens Open final Ben Fairbank (Tweed) defeated Jason Pearson (Mt Warren) 235 - 208.
In the Womens final Tanya Stevenson (Ashmore) defeated Sharon Wilson (Tweed) 168 - 155.
Mens Team is

Jason Pearson (Captain) Mt Warren
Ben Fairbank Coolangatta-Tweed
Matt Parker Ashmore
Bob Hardie Coolangatta-Tweed
David Turnage Coolangatta-Tweed
Jesse Andrews Ashmore
Tom Thorpe Coolangatta-Tweed

Manager: Anthony Main Ashmore

Womens Team is not finalised.
Interesting list Andrew, I have a question for you and for the bowlers who rolled off yesterday?

What is your opinion on the Lane condition laid down yesterday and do you believe it allowed for a fair and level playing field. Maybe you could post the scores for all to see.

As an interested bystander at yesterdays event (albeit for only a limited time, the pain was too much to bare) I have my own opinion but it would be nice to here from those who organized the event and the percipients themselves.
jimbo said:
Interesting list Andrew, I have a question for you and for the bowlers who rolled off yesterday?
What is your opinion on the Lane condition laid down yesterday and do you believe it allowed for a fair and level playing field. Maybe you could post the scores for all to see.
As an interested bystander at yesterdays event (albeit for only a limited time, the pain was too much to bare) I have my own opinion but it would be nice to here from those who organized the event and the percipients themselves.

As an interested by stander that you were Jim, what was your opinion on what you saw.

Have i missed something??????
Jim I cant comment on the condition as I didn't bowl. The averages of the Top 5 ranged from 199 Jason, 195 Ben, 194 Sharon Wilson, 193 Matt and 191 Bob. 3 of the top 5 were local Tweed bowlers.
We didn't ask Tweed to prepare anything special, just the normal house condition which is the usual procedure for Gold Coast Roll-Offs.
Hey all,
All I can say is that for the first 6 games I couldn't swing the ball and score, AT ALL! By games 7 - 10 I could roll my plastic ball in and get something going. I averaged 160 for first 6 and 200 for last 4 (last 4 with plastic). It was extremely frustrating to see some good bowlers (David, Anthony & Paul) not being able to score either.
I will admint that I am disappointed at not making the GC Team, last year was my first year and I didn't bowl all that well, but I loved the competition. So I wanted to make the team and try to prove myself, but to no avail.
Thats all I can say Jim :confused:
jimbo said:
Interesting list Andrew, I have a question for you and for the bowlers who rolled off yesterday?
What is your opinion on the Lane condition laid down yesterday and do you believe it allowed for a fair and level playing field. Maybe you could post the scores for all to see.
As an interested bystander at yesterdays event (albeit for only a limited time, the pain was too much to bare) I have my own opinion but it would be nice to here from those who organized the event and the percipients themselves.
I cant really comment too much on the lanes as i had to pull out after game 1 (damn ankle)

But i understand what Jims getting at
Maybe an idea going forward would be a two day roll at 2 different centres.

Not taking anything away from the tweed bowlers they bowled really well and deserve their spot in the team, Well done to all who made it.
Congratulations to Ben Fairbank on winning the title.

I would also like to pass on the congratulations of the team to Team Bowling Balls Australia member and proud Visionary convert Jason Pearson on finishing runner-up and being made captain of the Regional Team.

Max Bastian on behalf of Team Bowling Balls Australia.
Congrats to tanya and ben, i havent bowled at tweed in quite a few years (maybe 6 :eek:) but they sound very much the same now as they did then. It was never a place you could swing the ball out as they had some pretty large out of bounds areas, down and in with plenty of ball speed was the best way to open up the lanes. The tighter the line, the more rewarding it was.

Great to see you are still bowling and conrats on a hard win.

Was in Rocky for work lasy week I guess your experience ther was a help.

Have the girls team been finalised yet?

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