Getting angry at the pins and some associated words


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
I'm learning heaps of curse words over here and using them as well. I wish I had a dollar everytime I went double and then 9, leaving something pathetic or even the house shot 7-10. He's some I've heard over the past few days, feel free to add you personal favourites. Quoted from the bowlers themsleves in the Mini Eliminator

" Slap Nuts "
" I really really hate you Mr.10 pin "
" You bleedin wreck " UK guy
" Is this for real, do you know who I am " (this guy is talking to the pins)
" It's a buzzsaw not a plastic ball, hit something please ".

add some more
Its nice to see that a bowler of your caliber can leave the "odd" 7-9.
Maybe you should enter yourself into the "book of shame"
Matt Rogers Lane 6 Rosemount Bowl
X X X X then leaves a 3-7
"ARGHHH *%&* !!! what the *%&* is that" followed by spit, spit...
quickly replied to by Mike Muir
"Its a 3-7, what did you think it was"

Anyway George keep us posted as to your and the rest of the Aussie progress

i used to yell "****ing stupid pins" in their direction after leaving an 8 or 9 pin - thinking they may rethink and fall over next time

maybe it's a good thing I gave up
I spoke to a guy today who said since he wasn't making the finals he was going out to play golf. I asked him how he played, his response

" I golf like I bowl, 200 "!

Great line, had me and others in stitches for a while.

Stax, I like your little line, a man with no answers just a lot questions. On South Park Mr.Garrison said something similar

" Come on kids remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers ".

chat soon
if i rap, i quietly curse to myself, then grab my spare ball and at 40 kph slam the guts of the pin, and then politely tell the pin while its unconcious in the pit.....

i hope it hurt, and i ask that you change your attitude
for those of you who know my PAST bad attitude I'm sure you know what I say to 10 pins but for those who don't, I'll throw a couple in...

Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh........bitch, you're dead

Don't tease me like that....I mite learn to enjoy it!

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