George + Sore Fingers = 7-9


Staff member
Mr George Frilingos
Lane 25 Chermside Hyperbowl
a lovely 7-9 .. and that was in the first game .. i left after dying of laughter .. well done George
The worst thing about leaving that is it never looked like leaving anything else. It was a terrible shot and I missed the ball and got only 3 revs on it, down from my usual 5. I have arrested people for less and I was fully expecting to recieve a yellow card for my offence.

Thanks for all the bowlers who laughed at me for support, it really helped me alot!
Missed it ? mate you left it back on the rack .. it looked like a big yellow pumpkin going down the lane cos it definately hit like one
sounds like a shot from mark "pumpkin patch" foster. he likes regularly to pick up not quite ripe pumpkins and proceed to rip em down the lane lol

Mr George Frilingos
Lane 25 Chermside Hyperbowl
a lovely 7-9 .. and that was in the first game .. i left after dying of laughter .. well done George
The worst thing about leaving that is it never looked like leaving anything else. It was a terrible shot and I missed the ball and got only 3 revs on it, down from my usual 5. I have arrested people for less and I was fully expecting to recieve a yellow card for my offence.

Thanks for all the bowlers who laughed at me for support, it really helped me alot!
Missed it ? mate you left it back on the rack .. it looked like a big yellow pumpkin going down the lane cos it definately hit like one
sounds like a shot from mark "pumpkin patch" foster. he likes regularly to pick up not quite ripe pumpkins and proceed to rip em down the lane lol

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