George Frilingos in Rockhampton this week


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
Hi guys,

For those juniors / youth bowlers who will be attending the challenge in Rockhampton this week I'll be there from Thursday to Saturday night. There will be a Columbia booth there for a huge range of balls, towels, wrist bands and other things for purchase.

I'm also available to drill any gear you want whilst in Rocky.Looking forward to the trip,

George Frilingos :D
Well I can't let this opportunity pass without at least saying something....I think it is fair to say that Rocky gets its fair share of criticism for lane conditions and is generally tough. The scores from the Youth comp. over the weekend suggest that this weekend was no exception (ie highest youth avg 182 and all star cut being 175 (men) & 148.7 (ladies) ~ and no doubt some would be looking to impossible lane conditions as an excuse...

Georges no comment reply and his recent post under a different thread (what will it take you to bowl in Rocky) probably indicates that George held some strong views on the conditions also...

To answer your question Bowlingchamp, George did infact have a couple of games over the past few days and a couple of his scoresheets are attached.

A 279 in practice on Thursday afternoon....pretty handy score that covers the not so good first game. Then in the managers & coaches game this morning (Sunday) George shoots a 267. Should be noted that this game was played after the junior teams played 3 games on the lanes also (remember it is 5 person team x 3 games).

I am also lead to believe that George also shot another game above 260 (rumoured 263) while here but I have not been able to confirm that one just yet....

I am not trying to have a crack at George ~ with scores like that how could you. I think what it does show is that perhaps the lanes are not as bad as what the reputation leads you to believe. I would be interested to hear Georges take on his experience over the weekend.

Also as a side note, it was mentioned that next year that as a preview to the Youth Challenge there will be doubles comp on the Thurday night ~ format wasn't specified but all you will need to do to cash is beat George's team in any game.. I think that should draw a crowd in itself.


  • Score sheet.doc
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Well said nls! George has proved that if you are a good bowler (in George's case AWESOME BOWLER) you can bowl on any condition, including Rocky.
Now you will always get people that complain, but i guess the proof is in the pudding!
Good luck in Las Vegas George!
I was going to start another thread but Nathan's kicked it off so I'll continue. I would like to personally withdraw any negative comments I have said about Rockhampton lanes in the past :D

The last time I had bowled there was 1997 and at stage of my bowling career I didn't have the knowledge that I had today. I didnt bowl so well in 1997, how things have change.......

The McKenna's have acknowledged that more oil needed to be put out due to the change in todays modern coverstocks. To their credit they have invested in an AMF express which has made a considerable difference to the pattern put out in Rockhampton.

I found the lane conditions not so difficult if you played the correct part of the lane. Due to the traffic, heat and humidity the middle part of the lane broke down after a few games (I have no doubts the same would happen on synthetics if in the same conditions), the outside though was very playable on both sides.

There was enough oil there that no one had to force the ball and everyone had a chance to score. I think its the first time I've seen oil edge board to edge board in rocky, I'm sure after speaking to John and Paul it will stay that way.

I had a great 4 days in Rockhampton, I witnessed some unbelievable talent at both junior and youth levels. I really hope alot of the bowlers stick with it, the potential of these kids is world class. I'll be well retired by the time they get to that level, but i'll have great pleasure knowing I saw them bowl in 2007.

To all the management and staff of Rockhampton Tenpin Bowl, thank you for a great 4 days. A big thank you to Qubica AMF for their sponsorship of the tournament.

I look forward to next year where Rocky will host a tournament on Thursday night where junior / youth bowlers get to take on me and my "friend" in a doubles event.
nice games george saw them all your a very talented bowler and for everyone to look up to.

and go the leftys :p
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