Garden City Tenpin Cup Sponsored by Lane # 1 Bowling.

  • Thread starter gardencitylanes
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Hi All ,

Here is the attached entry form for the May 30th tournament and it has generously been sponsored by Lane # 1 Bowling Products. All the details of the tourny are on the form but there is nearly $5800 in prize money. It will be a great event so lets get behind our Queensland based bowling supplies sponsor and fill this one. I can take up to 64 entries so lets hope we have a reserve list.

It is a great drive to Toowoomba now with 2 lanes all the way from Bris Vegas and there is always plenty to see and do along the way. It will make for a nice weekend.

To enter you may ring me on 4632 9755 or just post on the forum and I will add you to the squad listing.

Could we see a reappearance of Big Willy AKA " Matt Hayden" in this one.

Thanks All

Zane Que " Bowling is Great ,Bowling is Fun, Come bowl the tourny sponsored by Lane # 1 ".


Thanks mate. By the way if any one needs accomodation just call me and I will arrange some or give you advice on where is good to stay.

My place will be full with the Ballina Invasion ( empty beer fridge again ) but there are heaps of reasonably price rooms that are quiet nice for around $70.00 per night.


Hey Soul Glow (thats a classic)

Just had word that Gilly wont be making an appearance.

G :D
Garden City TenPin Cup


Please put me down for B Squad thanks mate.

The Axeman
Garden City Lanes Cup Squad Listing

Hi all,

Here are the squad lists so far,


Carl Bottomley
Jason Walsh
Cameron Walsh
Barry Walsh
Emma Rutten
Phillip Ramsay
Ben Donnelly
Ronnie Conquest
Tony Hamilton


Daniel Soderman
Lisa Que
Lee Mathey
Brad Lipp
Lee-Anne Lipp
Brandon Qualischefski
Natasha Brennan
Shayne Melton
Dave Turnage
zane just a couple of questions about your tournament -
1 why are u giving females 5 pins start?
2 why can females wear dress shorts but males can't?

if you think that giving females pins start will attract more entries you may be wrong as i know of a handfull of males not bowling because of the start.

bowling tournaments need the support of the mid to high average bowlers giving some of australia best bowlers 5 pins start doesn't encourage them to bowl, think of it this was if cara honeychurch shows up to bowl every male in the field has to give her 50 pins start!!!! now cara has proven to be the best bowler australia has over and over again with out giving her start and she isn't alone put the like of kate wilton, emma rutton, amanda bradley the list goes on and on.

all so i don't see any difference in the females wearing dress shorts or the males i know most males like to bowl in long pants but shouldn't they be given the chioce?
Jeff, if bowlers in Queensland just ventured out of their little world they would discover giving women 5-8 pins a game start is no big deal. Bowlers who crack the sooks about it are being childish and probably wouldnt have beaten the women anyway.

There are many benefits to giving women start including boosting numbers and prizefund. If you give Emma Rutten 5 pins a game and she beats you, she is the better bowler on the day! end of story. If you beat her scratch and she wins with the bonus, too bad, you didn't bowl well enough and its your own fault.

Years of bowling have proved that women do not possess the power of men on a majority basis. Giving them 5-8 pins start is a tried and tested formula which works! Yes in Australia we have some great women bowlers who dont need the start to compete with the guys BUT this just highlights the fact that Australia's male bowlers aren't that good!

I wish bowlers would pull their head from their a$%^& and realise that every other part of the world do this except for us. It's no big deal and bowlers who make it a big deal probably weren't going to bowl anyway, they were just looking for excuses.

As for the dress code, I dont care too much for that, wear what ever you want I say.........
well george it might not be a big deal for a sponsored bowler but as a bowler who is looking at the tournament it doesn't seem to be a level playing field, a male bowlers goes out and shoots 200 ave and a female shoots 200 ave the male is 50 pins behind and by what u have stated the male hasn't bowled as well as the female.

i might be the only one that will get on here and post my thoughts and thats fine but i have spoken to others that feel the same way.

bowling should be played on a level field unless u are playing in a handicap tournament and from what i have seem this tournament is advertised as a scratch tournament as stated in the rules. how can it be scratch for the males and handicap for the females but both in the same prize fund???
Hey I throw it like a girl but I won't wear a skirt (even though some of you think I do :p ) although I will wear dress shorts so do I get 5-8 pins start too?
what has being sponsored got to do with it? nothing, I'm not even bowling this event

Lets look at some obvious points

1. Women aren't as strong as men, fact
2. Women in general dont throw as powerful strike shots as men, fact
3. Women struggle to generate entries in their own events, fact

Yes we have great women bowlers here but that just highlights how bad we are. If its really that much of a concern to you that you have to give them start, dont bowl!

It's not a big deal, I find it quite a challenge, it gives me a good yardstick to guage how good or bad I am bowling. I think it will also encourage some women bowlers who wouldnt usually play to bowl against the men.

I think also if you look at the scores, 50 pins wont be alot, I have no doubts several hundred pins will seperate 1st from 16th. Give the event a chance, I totally agree with what Soul Glow is doing by giving them 5 start.
If its really that much of a concern to you that you have to give them start, dont bowl!

I think this is Jeff's point exactly.

I can see what you're both trying to say on this topic and there are some good points but one thing I dissagree with you on George is when has it really mattered how STRONG you throw the ball? I always thought the game was alot more involved than that.
george u made 3 points

1 women aren't as strong as men , yes but what does that have to do with bowling.
2 women in general don't throw as powerfull strike shots as men, in today's game with the equipment being used anyone can throw a power strike.
3 women struggle to generate entries in their own events, so what u are saying george we should stuff the mens tournaments because the women won't support bowling?

george u might not see this as a big deal because u finish in the top half of the money more often then not, but as a bowler who looks at finishing in the bottom of the money every now and then it is just another hurdle that will stop bowlers like me bowling and this is not good for tournament bowling because with out guys like me topping up the prize fund the money u good bowlers are playing for will dissappear!!! and that is a fact!!!!
Garden City Lanes Tenpin Cup

Dear Jeff,

Mate, In every other major bowling country in the world the women get a start purely to boost numbers and make it an even playing field. Simple.

If you don't like it that is fine but for everyone who does not there will be the same amount that approve or do not care.

As for the dress code, that is standard in any tournament but mate if you want to wear shorts in our 15 degree day winters, just for you I will make an exception.


Zane Que
Sorry Zane, but we have had other committments crop up for that weekend which will make it impossible for Jagga to compete in the Open. Good luck with it anyway.

Broni :cry:
well if giving the women start happens all over the world it must be right,just wondering in how many other sports do females get a head start. i know when the ladies entered the pga golf tour they had to play of the same tees as the men and golf is considered a power game!!!

just 1 little question ... will it happen in the pba next year when women are allowed to bowl with the men??? as for boosting numbers good luck zane i hope u get a full field.
Well well well, how far do we really have to go???? I am afraid that due to the 5 pins start ("in this SRCATCH EVENT") I have decided not to bowl. Call me a sook, pussy whatever you want ,but I also feel this is wrong!!!!!!
What ever happened to equal rights for both men and women?? Up until I saw this post on here I was going to bowl.Because I didn't read the entry form, and see this 5 pin advantage to our wonderfull women bowlers.
After being out of bowling for the past 12 months, I couldn't wait to get back into tournaments. I am surely not an outstanding bowler, just one who enjoys the sport, but if this is what we need to do to get numbers back into the sport then I must say.........ANYONE WANNA COME FISHING OR PLAYING GOLF WITH ME NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we could get a response from some of our lady bowlers and see how they feel about this topic.... Many women have beat me in scratch events and many more will, but do our scratch, lady bowlers really need this advantage?? And is this discriminating against the men or the women???

Sorry Zane and George, but I just feel this is wrong.

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