Hi All
The skins league will be completed soon. I know I have some ideas about how we could change it to improve it - What are yours?
Is the number of games right? (8)
Is the price right? ($40 at the moment)
Is the time slot right? (8:30am)
Is the day right? (Sunday)
Is the prize fund suitable for the entry fee? remember the more you pay out = the more it costs to bowl....
Is the league too spread out? too hard to tell if its close and who is winning?
Should the money be paid out each time?
Should it be a league with the same players or just a (bi)monthly tournament? (taking the first 24 names each time?)
Should we have different conditions each time? or the same?
These are just some questions I have thought of - do you have some more? send me an email, pm or post reply with some ideas. constructive criticism is allowed - but provide an alternative - be realistic.
If the league resumes it will probably be a month or two after this one finishes. Remember in WA we have very few tournaments at all and Fairlanes are prepared to run this again - so they need your feedback to design a league the bowlers want and will benefit from and support.
The skins league will be completed soon. I know I have some ideas about how we could change it to improve it - What are yours?
Is the number of games right? (8)
Is the price right? ($40 at the moment)
Is the time slot right? (8:30am)
Is the day right? (Sunday)
Is the prize fund suitable for the entry fee? remember the more you pay out = the more it costs to bowl....
Is the league too spread out? too hard to tell if its close and who is winning?
Should the money be paid out each time?
Should it be a league with the same players or just a (bi)monthly tournament? (taking the first 24 names each time?)
Should we have different conditions each time? or the same?
These are just some questions I have thought of - do you have some more? send me an email, pm or post reply with some ideas. constructive criticism is allowed - but provide an alternative - be realistic.
If the league resumes it will probably be a month or two after this one finishes. Remember in WA we have very few tournaments at all and Fairlanes are prepared to run this again - so they need your feedback to design a league the bowlers want and will benefit from and support.