Fund Raising Tournament.

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Tenpin's Jamie Lyon
We (SQ Fundraising Committee) are looking at putting a tournament together on the 30th of April to raise funds for the SQ De Veer and Rachuig teams.

This is a tournament with a big twist.... stay tuned ... you'll love it.

Does anyone have a problem with us using this date? Does it clash with another tourney (we've looked at the calendar... seems all clear.)

Peter Martin.

Not to Discourage your efforts that you and your friends are doing but i think you better ask before stating that you are now the (SQ Fundraising Committee)!!!

I think you will find that this will have to go to a Rachuig/De Veer meeting before that can be decided. You guys are more than welcome to nominate yourselves for the positions and i am sure that your efforts to date would be looked at in your favour.

My suggestion is to maybe not make it such a closed shop and use the site to your advantage and let people know and give them an opportunity to also have an input.
Jase ..

With all due respect, it's certainly not a closed shop. If anyone has any ideas for fundraising, and they want to help out, we have plenty of spots around the table. We will be having regular Tuesday Night meetings (no, not every week) but we will certainly keep the masses aware through this website regarding where and when.

No .. we aren't the 'official' committee ... we are just 5 bowlers trying to get something happening so that the bowlers who do make the side dont have to fork out $1400 for the trip. We are all committed, making the team or not, to do what we can to help out. Four of the five bowlers who were at the meeting were at the 'how can we make things better' meeting last year. We put our hands up then to make the effort to help out, and were told by the chairman of that meeting to 'go for it'.

I think the question 'do you want these people to try and raise money for your team?' is a bit of a no-brainer. If the individual players in the rep sides are available for our tournament, great ... if not ... it wont affect things too much, although it would be nice if they were there.

All i have asked so far is if the date conflicts with any other tournaments.
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