Fund Raising meeting


Staff member
Just thought i would let you all know there has been a meeting set up at Milton Bowl tomorrow night regarding fund raising ideas for this years Rachuig and De Veer teams.

It’s about 7.30pm

If you can make it along i am sure all the more ideas the better.

So far i think the

And perhaps Peter Martin is attending

I am not sure i don’t think it’s a closed shop and sorry for the short notice
I think I can say on behalf of everyone currently attending the more the merrier.....

I guess its just a get together to throw around ideas for fundraising for both Rauchig &
DeVeer, If we know numbers we may be able to arrange the meeting room at Milton.

As Jase said its not a closed shop, I believe all are welcome and sorry for the short notice.

So we can see if we need to meeting room please send me a pm or post here.
sorry Jason

would have liked to attend, but not able to make it at this notice.

good luck :D

No i know what you are saying i am in the same boat :D as i only found out about it today myself. I can't make it either but i am sure there will be plenty of others for us to all attend.
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