Amazing. Truly amazing, especially Ryan and John. Ryan - embarassed by the work they do? Whatever they do, it doesn't diminish them. They can only do that for themselves.
John, I've employed many many people. Some for firms I've worked for, others in my own businesses. I have employed some wonderful, wonderful people. Many were a privilege to have known.
I had a really opposite attitude. I always wanted the best I could find, so I threw out the largest net I could find. At one time, I did all the employment for a large diverse company in Kent St. Sydney, in the mid-60s. In those times the 'vacancies columns' in the Syd. Morn. Herald were divided into 4 sections - being, Positions Vacant-men and boys, Positions Vacant-women and girls, Situations Vacant- men and boys, and Situations Vacant-women and girls.
EVERY job I advertised, I put in all 4 sections. This allowed EVERYONE to apply. All they needed was a desire to do the job which I used to describe as accurately as I could - warts ( if any),
and all. All applications were called for in writing, and then ALL, and I mean ALL were interviewed by me. By the way, I never asked for prior experience as a requirement. My department was on the fifth floor, and I recall that for several positions ( all identical ), I had applicants right up the five flights of stairs and a double column for three adjoining premises down Kent St. I spoke to them all.
This resulted in the most diverse workforce imaginable. A just about complete ethnic mix. Women doing jobs previously reserved for men. The oldest I think that I ever employed was 74, he had no prior experience in what was a quite complex position, and he did it better than it had ever been done previously.
A lot of the positions were highly technical, with good 'people skills' mixed in. We trained the people ourselves where necessary, and a number came from ' labouring' - or with women, 'machinists' type jobs, in the rag-trade, etc. Their potential was there, it just had to be tapped. We miss all that potential to-day, being so chained to formal qualifications.
We had a number of competitors. Several multi-nationals among them. We blew them all into the weeds.
Our people were matchless, and we rewarded them accordingly - not just with money, but by making sure they knew the respect and regard they were held in.
End of Rant. For the moment.