


Hello all

Here in town there is some new people that have taken over the bowling alley, been here for about 12months.
We havent had any touraments here for about 12-18 months and they dont really have any idea on how a touramnets should be run or how they should formated.
So i was wondering if anyone can give me some formats that are used as so i can pass them on to the managers.

Thanks all
Here's a few

1. 6 gamer - scratch/handicap - 1 game shifts
2. 10 gamer - cut to top 5 for step ladder - 1 game shifts
3. 3 games qualifying over 2 weeks (league can count) - top 10 bowl a further 10 games for final (numerous qualifying attempts boosts prize funds)

Anyway, there is a mlllion out there, really depends on who you want to cater for scratch, handicap, adult, youth, etc etc.

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