First Aid course


Code and Scoring Guru
The new Level 2 coaching program is expected to require a current First Aid certificate to gain the credential. SportsACT happily run such courses for organisations such as ours at ver reasonable cost, if we have the numbers to justify it.

Is anybody interested in attending a first aid course? The fee will be bare cost of getting it done at the most, some subsidy may be available. Dates to be decided.

Please leave your thoughts below if you're interested, and what kind of days generally suits you. We'd be looking at some time in the next 8 weeks if possible.
Hey Jeff, is it just coaches who can take part? Coz I've been wanting to get my first aid certificate for ages.
I'm happy to include you in the course list, but the coaches coming through will obviously get priority if the provider were to cap the numbers. Obviously no subsidy for you either :)
Okay, more information;

The cost is $140 for the full course, which has some homework before the practical component. The practical component is one day, 0830 - 1730. Reaccreditations can be done for $95 and is much the same, only without the homework.

We are looking at booking the upstairs room in AMF Tuggeranong to keep the cost down, and looking at a Saturday in early October - either the 3rd (long weekend) or the 17th.

If there's enough interest, we might be able to run both days. We need 10 participants at each course to run them.

The course itself is actually Sports First Aid, equivalent to a Senior First Aid only with a little extra sports twist apparently, delivered by Sports Medicine Australia. I am yet to confirm with TBA and the ASC if this course is suitable to the requirement, but it includes the same National Training Information Service course. Alternatively I'll get Parasol to come do a standard course for another $20 a head or so.

To clarify priority; if we exceed 20 at any given course, the priority will be given to currently accredited coaches first, then currently accredited managers, then anyone who has commenced either accreditaions, then the rest. The purpose of this exercise is to get our coaches certified so they can reaccredit, everyone else gets a bonus opportunity
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