FIQ Conditions??


is retired...
Hi, i was just looking at the latest results from FIQ and i am wondering what is wrong with our gals? I mean, a couple are doing ok, but from a Team perspective, we arent doing too well..

Can someone, anyone, explain why our 'best athletes' arent bowling to their regualr best? I am not bitching or carrying on, but i am just curious as to why we arent performing?

I dont expect anyone to finish 1,2 or 3.. But to average, 170, 180 in a International event is disappointing for us to see. I know they ALL are doing their best, but can someone enlighten us to why they are bowling 130's etc??

Is there no oil? Heeeeeeeeeeeeaps of oil? Please can someone explain? They guys are doing well.. I know they throw heeeeeaps more revs and that than us girlies, but still...

Please can someone help? Maybe someone over there can tell me.. us... whats happening..

Good luck for this week guys and gals!!
The oiling pattern is an old fashioned, crown on the edges, and flat on the top, or that's the way the oiling pattern shows at the website.

Its very different to aus conditions.

I just hope they are all fit and haven't got the flu or something.

Time will tell, I know they are doing their best.
It certainly appears that the girls are struggling on these playing conditions as they are all much better bowlers than their scores suggest. I query, however, whether the fault lies with the way we, as an Industry, dress our lanes Vs the FIQ condition set up for this event???? Also, as I understand, the FIQ condition is made available prior to the event...I know that if BowlAustralia were asked to specially prepare a condition similar to that being used, to allow the team time to practice on this condition, we would have done so gladly. Forewarned is forearmed!
You're not far off the mark . . .

15th WTBA World Bowling Championship Oil Pattern is as follows:


Pattern length is 38 feet with a 2 board shift to the right.

The shot for those that bowl up the boards is outside 7 board.

Prior to the start of the trios the tournament team had recorded 271 first ball gutterballs.

FYI, there is no such thing as the FIQ World Championships or results. FIQ is the umbrella organisation encompassing ninepin bowling through WNBA and tenpin bowling through WTBA.
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