

Rodentus scientificus
Congratulations to Angelo Nucifora who finally cracked it on Monday night for the most overdue 300 in Australia. Well done!
Well done Angelo,

Awesome achievement, let's hope the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc are not too far away

Great Job
Brad and Rachel
About bloody time, well done I am sure that now you have finally cracked the first one, the rest will come so much more easier.

Well done again, as Robbie said the most overdue 300 ever.
Hey Ang
Well done mate, couldn't have happened to a nicer person. Keep up the good form for the Mackay Open in August.
Steve, Julie and Tyler
Good on you mate. Great to hear. Now that you've broken the drought, there will be many more to come I'm sure.
Greg K.
Congratulations Angelo it is good to see your now in the 300 club - about time
Kay, Leigh and Darren
Well,Well, Well

Finally the man who most deserves to throw 300 does!!!!!!!!

Congrats Angelo, way over due. Hope you throw plenty more.
Well done buddy

Rob,Teresa and the girls:cool: :cool: :cool:
Great to hear Ang, if anyone deserves it, it is definately you.

It's just like losing your virginity, the first one's always the hardest :D :D

Well Done Mate

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