Hi all,
Can you bowlers remember excuses from league treasurers for not submitting their yearly financial statements ( after asked for one)
Below here are some of the classic ones..
1) I didn't know i am required to give one.
2) No one asked me.
3) You know how busy my life is !
4) I thought it was for next year not this year !
5) I've got no time to prepare it.
6) I have never done it before eventhough i have been a treasurer for donkey years !
7) What you going to do about it !
Here's the one that beats them all I resign
Can you bowlers remember excuses from league treasurers for not submitting their yearly financial statements ( after asked for one)
Below here are some of the classic ones..
1) I didn't know i am required to give one.
2) No one asked me.
3) You know how busy my life is !
4) I thought it was for next year not this year !
5) I've got no time to prepare it.
6) I have never done it before eventhough i have been a treasurer for donkey years !
7) What you going to do about it !
Here's the one that beats them all I resign