Entry Forms for AO and Vic150

Qualifying Stage 2... I don't get it.


How many entries is the payout based on?


It appears that the top 26 bowl six games to not only determine the top 10 but also to decide who of that 26 becomes bowler number 26 and miss out on progressing to the Top 28 stage. This lone unlucky bowler will effectively be classed as finishing in 29 th place for prizefund payout purposes.

Hence top 25 plus three from desperado squad.

Someone correct me if my interpretation of the entry form wording is wrong!

What I would like clarified is if a bowler must have bowled in at least one of squads 1 -7 to be eligble to bowl in the desperado squad. I don't see this exactly stated in the desperado squad clause of the tournament conditions.

The prizefund page lists this clause: Based on 60 Entries and 100 Re entries!
Here is a break down with the number of games you will need to bowl:

Qualifying Stage 1: Six Games to make top 26 Game Count: 6

Qualifying Stage 2 (QFS2): Six Games to make top 25 Game Count: 12

Top 28: Top 25 from QFS2 and Top 3 from Desperado Squad (DES), positions 1 - 4 (S4) receive a bye to Finals Stage 2 Game Count: QFS2 12 / DES 7

Finals Stage 1: 5 - 28 Pinfall dropped bowl 6 Games to make Top 10 Game Count: QFS2 18 / DES 13

Finals Stage 2: S4 and Finals Stage 1 Top 10 (FS1) Pinfall dropped bowl 6 Games to make Top 8 Game Count: S4 18 QFS2 24 DES 19

Finals Stage 3: Finals Stage 2 Top 8 bowl pinfall dropped bowl 6 Games to make Top 3 Game Count: S4 24 QFS2 30 DES 25

Finals Stage 4 Part 1: 3rd vs 2nd Best pinfall over Two Games Game Count: S4 26 QFS2 32 DES 27

Finals Stage 4 Part 2: Winner Finals Stage 4 Part 1 vs 1st Best pinfall over Two Games Game Count: S4 26 or 28 QFS2 32 or 34 DES 27 or 29 Note: Depends on if top Seed or winner Finals Stage 4 Part 1

Thus we can have the Australian Open winner who bowled a minimum of 26 Games or a maximum of 34 Games to win the title where we assume only one attempt in Qualifying Stage 1 (Squads 1 - 7).

You can pay up a minimum of $120 to win $4000 and bowl a minimum of 26 games a pretty good return.

Now for those critics of the reentry tournament format. I think this is an innovative new type of format requiring bowlers to continue to score high in order to progress through to the stepladder stage. Six game blocks are not to short or too long so it gives everyone a chance.

Concentration will be critical as you bowl and then wait to see if you make the next cut and then bowl again. Should be interesting.

Game Count summary:

QFS1: Games 6
QFS2: Games 12
Top 28: Games QFS2 12 / DES 7
FS1: Games QFS2 18 / DES 13
FS2: Games S4 18 QFS2 24 DES 19
FS3: Games S4 24 QFS2 30 DES 25
FS41: Games S4 26 QFS2 32 DES 27
FS42: Games S4 26 or 28 QFS2 32 or 34 DES 27 or 29
Hi All,

We have been holding a re-entry event for the last 3 years, granted it is not a major event such as the AO, but in our expierience we have only seen re-entries at about 10 to 15 % above the total number of entries.

What that means is 40 entries equals about 46 re-entries and our re-entry cost has been $50.00.

Our prize fund is based on 38 entries and 20 additional attemps. Much rather exceed prizefund expectations than disapoint traveling players.

Just our expierience.

Hi All,

We have been holding a re-entry event for the last 3 years, granted it is not a major event such as the AO, but in our expierience we have only seen re-entries at about 10 to 15 % above the total number of entries.

What that means is 40 entries equals about 46 re-entries and our re-entry cost has been $50.00.

Our prize fund is based on 38 entries and 20 additional attemps. Much rather exceed prizefund expectations than disapoint traveling players.

Just our expierience.


Its a great tournament to James! It should be ranked
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