East Coasters we need your help


A few of us long standing East Coaters here in Victoria are trying to put together a history of the East Coast Challenge Cup. Ideally we hope to produce a CD which will then allow everyone to see what a great event this has been up to now and is to continue to be in the future.
It is clearly important to preserve a history of this great event for all to enjoy in years to come. We need to do it now as it will be increasingly difficult to obtain information on the early years of the cup as time marches on.
We are looking for anything that you can provide. Photocopies would be great but electronic copies would be better (scanned images to .jpg files, ideally in color if possible).
We will be grateful for anything from Sydney as the ECCC is about all three states.
Standing sheets from:
ECCC rolloffs - Final ones would be ideal
Championships results (ECCC, GSTBA,)
ECCC (managers results sheets, all star sheets i.e. pre certificates)
Masters (FATB, Tenpin Australia, GSTBA)
Scans of Certificates:
Of Participation
All Star Certificates
Lists of ECCC Teams from:
Standing sheets
GSTBA Newsletters
ECCC Booklets
ECCC Photos
Or any other source
Scans of Photos:
ECCC Official Team Photos
ECCC Medalists Photos Singles, Doubles, Triples, Teams, All Events
ECCC All Star Photos
ECCC Cup Winners Photos
ECCC Masters Winners
Also any photos taken at any of the ECCC dinner dances would be appreciated. Especially during the 80's and early 90's. We would also appreciate any scans of dinner dance tickets as we have a copy of many of them and any little thing that may trigger a favourable memory for a former East Coaster when the CD is produced can only help.
People can contact me via email terence05@three.com.au or via my mobile phone on 0401676521
You should also read this thread in the Victorian forum for other information as well.
We hope to have a CD containing the History of the ECCC for all to enjoy at Moorabbin next year.
So please give us an email or a call.
One way for you to help us out is if someone could provide contact details for the following former East Coasters:
Ron South
Dave Chittick
Here is another way to help out.
There are 217 team photos for NSW from 1979 - 2006.
Currently I only have a copy of about 6 of them. So if any of you can start to contribute some of the other 211 I would really appreciate you contacting me. Send me a pm or an email: terence05@three.com.au
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