Dunn Shield Qualifying Cost.


New Member
Hi all,

Im just wondering how much other centres charge for each attempt? And Cost of final roll off? (8games)

-Sunshine chagred: $2 for each attempt and $30 - 8 games roll off.

-HighPoint: $5 for each attempt and $50 - 8 games roll off.

wow, HighPoint's prices is almost double Sunshine's. :rolleyes:

Knox $5 a go $45 for final 9 game's not bad i think................................................;)

If one make's it........................................:D

Top ( male female )get free entry to final.............:D

Dandenong $40 4 games qualifying
$35 retries - 3 weekends to qualify. top 12 qualify for matchplay

Final $60 11 games matchplay

What a bargain?????????????????
Hi C,
Forest Hill $5 per go during league. Outside league $21 ( 3 games).Top 16 auto qualify.Last four spots for "Desperado Squad" bowling 6 games for $30. Final Roll Off (20 bowlers )will cost $50 each for 8 games.
Alex :D
Keon Park is $5.00 for three games (in league) to qualify - I think its $50-60 dollars for 10 games qualifying
Highpoint rolled off on Sunday as you may already know.
They changed the rate on the day from $50 for 8 games to $50 for 10 games.
Otherwise it would have been a bit stiff!
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