A possibilty to avoid the clash in future may be to move Dunn Shield to an earlier month. Nationals now seems to held throughout October and into November.
I know emerson Shield moved its date to the last weekend of November to avoid future clashes, due to clashing on the odd years that Dunn Shield did not.
Perhaps move dunn Shield to 2nd weekend of September perhaps, would not clash with Nationals or ECCC l think.
1st weekend is out with SPC, 3rd with ECCC l think, last with Grand Final
maybe go as far back as end of August.
Just ideas as the Nationals will continue to move around that time of year, due to constraints within the host state. Next years dates are known perhaps AMF could look at the dates for Next Year prior to this years event.
I know of a few bowlers who would have bowled, but not know due to nationals duties.