Draft query for Shield 07



hey guys... i applied for draft a week or so ago.. and when i sent it away it had my current address on it which is in Toowoomba (south queensland), but i am moving to Townsville (north queensland) in January. does anyone know if that will change anything for my appliaction??

Thanks in advance =D

Melly xox
Hey it's mel on mi sisters acc

Thanks for that! i will be sure to remember that =]
I really dont think it will matter.. Either way you rolled off for your state and thats all you need is to draft..
But im no expert so I could be wrong..
just an idea, contact tba via email, or even pm alex on here and forward your new address when you have it so they have all your current contact details.

good luck with the draft :)
thx guys for the ideas.. will be sure to keep them all in mind =D

<3 Melly
Tba have brought the date forward for the forms to be in 16th Dec instead of 19th Jan. So hopefully it is soon.

The Junior Shield draft nominations closed on the 16th Dec. The applications are being co-oridnated and forwarded to the states/territories/zones that are applying for draft selections.

Any successful applicants will be contacted by the relevant State/Territory/Zone should they be short listed or selected.


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