Does it make a difference?


Staff member
I am asking the question and looking for answers please.

Does having a tournament on Mothers Day or Fathers Day determine whether or not you bowl in the events? Does it affect numbers?

I know times have changed as the old day we used to see wives or mothers with there flowers or presents showing them off in the bowls.

I know a few of the guys used the weekend as an easy …would you like to go away for mothers day dear…LOL

Times have changed just wanting what others think!!

Well it does for us. I think it will be good to take a day off from bowling and just spend time with mum/dad just to thank them for putting up with all of our C***. I am sure when we get old, we don't mind a visit from our kids once a
Anyway that's my personal opinion.
Numbers always been down in our bowl on Fathers / Mothers Day.
Charlie Grayson's tournament was run on mothers day and we had a very good turn up.Even if you could incorporate the meaning of the day with the tournament,(small flower for each mother) i been told they use to do that in the earlier days. A little extra work but that doesn't hurt anyone.
From my point of view it would determine if I bowled or not, more mothers day than fathers day. Unless of course my wife was bowling as well. :)
i would find it very hard to bowl on mothers day as we have a florist shop and that is the biggest week end of the year.
I don't think it is too bad as long as it is a later start time..... so I still get breaky in bed before I have to leave LOL
Speaking from i point of view where the wife doesnt bowl and has very little interest in the sport,have to 2 kids under 7. I would find it very hard to get to these tournments.Family comes first for me.
my family also comes first but if there was something there for mothers day like a pressy and food i would bring her saves me cooking something not that i normally do
even incorperate it in the costs of the tourney i dont mind paying for it
daniel d
Mothers day is fine, But fathers day, Is out due to Have to spend the time with the family. Since my son is with me on Fathers day and His mother on mothers day, this is the option I have
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