
HAHAHA...... who do you think would be dumb enough to ask Sam Fisher, in front of everyone at the development camp in brissy on the weekend, if she knew who Andrew Frawley is?


andy, im sorry, but this had to go in here..... you make me laugh sooooo much, but honestly as if u didnt know that frawls was sam's dad!

AS WELL........ andy made us laugh...he had a bit of a problem with putting glitter all over his face, neck, back and hair, as well as putting his shorts on BACKWARDS (and not even realising that he had to zip his pants on from the back)

well, i must say that it was an excellent learning experience for all....

i must say tho.....this boy made me laugh sooo much my stomach was hurting!

nobbsei, keep acting stupid mate, your a spas man

we still luv ya!!!
hey all.
hello shelly

hehehe... i knew it would come up somewhere... lmao!! mayb the book of shame but?
andy is a dead set legend! he was definitely our comedian thru the camp (and cheapo that doesnt give ya a chance 2 win ur money back from lost bets. j/k =P )...
and yes i agree it was an awesome camp!! congrats 2 all who made it run so well =) and thanx 4 putting the effort in 4 us =)

hey shelly. and every1 else... if ya have icq, come and find me eh? my number is 106476698.
oh and by the way, 4 those who dont know... its patrick....
anyways... cyas all later..
Hey all.......

I have to agree with leisa and pat....andy u made the camp an absolute blast making everyone laugh..

HAHAHAHA how can anyone forget HUNGRY HIPPO ....... poor hippo (i do feel sorry for it) but man that made a few laughs as well.

HEY ANDY.......*sniff sniff* CAN YOU SMELL SOMETHING???? HAHAHA .....

But still. it was a great camp and we learnt a lot. it was also very well run (considering there was 42 of us!)

l8r sk8rs
Thanks everyone
for you adoring comments

Shelley and Lisa you are both champions and I cant wait to see you both again at Sydney Cup.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nobbsei:
Thanks everyone
for you adoring comments

Shelley and Lisa you are both champions and I cant wait to see you both again at Sydney Cup.

Yo Nobbsei. you really are a complete nutcase, and can u tell what was with tha barking out of the coach window at everyone?? Well, talk to ya l8tr, and wazzup to everyone at tha development camp!! Catcha man, Benny Boy!!
Hey shelley and pat

yeah well what can i say..... how slow am i with regards to sam and andrew

and with regards to the shorts i dont even know what i was thinking i dont even remember doing the zip up but i guess i would of had to done it up hey,

the glitter on me was thanks to amanda barrot spilling her glitter stuff on the bed and when shelley come in the room she decided to get a heap on her hand and they both ran after me and pinned me against the door and yeah you know the rest... and yeah there is still a bit in my hair too..

Pat you shouldnt make bets you know that will lose :p and for the record i did give you oppertunities to make it square (just kidding)

But all in all after my shameful and humilating sayings and doings i had a great time and i thought it was a really well run camp

and i am sure there are allot of other things that i said that were pretty stupid but you cant list them all

Hey Nobsei,

Well i must say i don't think camp would of been as good without u as the comedian
U kept a smile on everyones face! Also some of the comments I don't think any of us will forget them but trying to remember all of them is gonna be hard, but i'm sure most of them will get up there!

What about HUNGRY HIPPO'S bestfriend at Caboolture
Mel surely had a good laugh outta dat one
But it was soooo funny i must say! I was in stitches!!!

But the best was when u asked Sam bout Frawls
U'll never live that one down Nobbsei lol and we will all make sure of that! But u still didn't listen to me and Beck u didn't ask Sue if she knew him
U should of Nobbsei no-one would of stopped laughing. But don't worry next time u see her u can ask her lol

Thanx to everyone on the camp it was great and i was in stitches the whole camp it was great and something i will never forget.

Can't wait to see everyone again at JSC.

L8r Lil Leisa
Hey Ben

How you going?

I dunno what came with the barking hey i think it had something to the noises Shelley was making one day, and it just came about from there

Catch up with you later
Hey guys!!

I can totally agree with everyone that Nobbsei was the clown of the camp!!! He gave us a couple of laughs (the shorts, asking Sam Fisher, and the barking)!!! But Andy, like Leisa I still reckon that you should've asked Sue the same thing!!!

Thanks heaps Nobbsei!!! See you all at Sharp.

Beck Waters
hey everyone the cmp was a blst and wouldnt have been that good if we didnt have our in house comedian there is always one in the bunch and andy was the one hope everyone else had as good of a time as me and if any of you have icq add me


catch all at syd cup or sharp
stay smiln' and high five
Hey everyone

just wanted to say that nobessie your a champ. im sure we could all say that you were the clown of the camp. bout that thing with asking me who andrew frawley was.. well i think about it now and it still makes me laugh
anywayz catch up with you all at sydney cup.
toodles -xxxx-
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote
hey andy, the way u wrote this doesnt sound too good!!

they were seagull noises i was making ok! get it right next time!! hehe

speak to u soon.....
hahaha oops!!

i meant to put in the quote!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote
I dunno what came with the barking hey i think it had something to the noises Shelley was making one day
Hey Shelley,

Nah i wasnt talking about them i was talking about the noises you were making like terets and that.

hey everyone,
wotz doing? i had a really good time at the camp it was awsome!!!! yeh nobbsy ur an absolute champ... i hope that u can come to gold coast champs so that u can make me laugh so scotti2hotti hows ur sleep been? been having any nightmares babe? (dirty dirty dirty..) yeh shelly bout those barking nioses uummmmm.... yeh right..... i thik that its just that when u snore u.. nah just jokes..!!lol.
anyways i hope that everyone learnt heaps at the camp.... oh yeh by the way ben(richboy) come and see me when ur 18 hot stuff!!!
ps, james smells........

"cheers big ears, same goes big nose, oh go f*#k yourself noddy" thats just for u bazza!!! anyways luv yas all.. byeee..luv mel...

wats new? I didnt do any barking noises (and definately when i snore i......???!! haha) those barking noises were made by nobbsei! i was the seagull!!

good on ya bee.. i 4got bout scotti's bed
..... have u been able to sleep lately??

Michelle xoxoxox
that last post wasnt from me it was from MEL FRANKE she was staying at my house for somethinga dn she wanted to writed so she wrote under my name so plz if anyone wants to say anything bout it then say it too mel it wasnt me
thx BEE
About the sleep it was fine cause i didnt sleep in that bed after that the bush basher had to LOL. All these sounds from people anyone wallking by that we just got reeased from the zoo .
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