


Hi all.
I am just posting this topic as a matter of interest as it is a topic that very much affects me and I have been advised to follow it up, but I thought I'd see what my fellow bowlers thought first...
It is in regard to the date at which ages are taken i.e. 1st January. I am 17 this year and turn 18 next year, however I am not eligible to bowl for President Shield next year because I must be under 18 as at 1st January 2003. I think this is extremely unfair that i can be born in the same year as many others, yet I am ineligible and they can bowl. I believe the cut off should be 31st December, so it will clearly distinguish between years.
Please let me know what U all think about the topic. I appreciate that many of you would be indifferent, however please try to put yourselves in the position and think how you would feel about it. Thanx for your time guys. Ciao!
hey dale!
well i rekon u should be able to bowl!
it should be dated from the 31st of december!
but thats only so u can bowl in it!

bye bye!
heya dude
as when i was talkin to ya on msn i think it should be cut at the 31st i agree 100%that its unfair for u.
i think that it should be the yr taht u turn 18 is ur last yr in juniors no matter when u were born.
take care luv shell
Hey Dizzy,
Well u know exactly where i stand i this issue and i agree with you whole heartedly on this one. I feel the ruling should be either re-written to state that if u are under the age of 18 as at the 31st of December u are eligble or state that any junior bowler who turns 18 in that year is also eligible. I do not feel this is fair to allow a bowler who turns 18 on the 2nd of Jan to bowl and not allow a bowler who turns 18 on the first of Jan. I honestly feel the National and State bodies look at this and make any appropriate changes.

Catch ya's all
Unfortunately there has to be a cut off date somewhere and it just so happens theyve made that rule.

Good luck though, but dont get your hopes up
Hey Graham...
I realise there must be a cut off... My argument is that it should be the 31st December so that all people born in the same year have the same opportunity. At least that way there is an argument to support it... this way, what is the support? That's just the way it is??
I know I'm gunna get backlash for this but, I agree with the current rule, it has been that for a long time and it would be unfair for you to get exception or change it to suit you when previously bowlers have had to live with it.

No special treatment, no rule change, and I know it seems extemely unfair but if you dont like it, quit. Its ur only option.

Why screw with the past its worked before and only a few people out of the 100's that bowl every year are effected, unfortunately you are one of those few. So dont pout at the rule, live with it

Just having my say
hey James,

just because some one made a rule a long time ago doesn't make it right!

Apparently FIQ is january 1st, but we live in Australia, and I don't see how FIQ standards could effect President Shield.

It should be all bowlers born in the year of 1983 (or whatever the 18 year old cut off is for that particular year).

I urge all bowlers to get behind Dale and post on this site to support getting this rule changed for Australian Junior Bowlers.

Good Luck Dale!

Edi (GO W'BEE!)
I always thought it was 18 years and under as at the 1st of January in that particular year.

Ring TBA im sure they woul dbe happy to calify this for you and give you reasons if i am not right.
My understanding is that if you are 17 on the 1st of January 2003 that makes you eligable to rolloff and bowl shield...becaause you are 17 as of 1st jan 2003!!.
Correct me if im wrong!
gday all

i can see you point of view but take this logically, by pushing back the cut off date effectively what you are doing is making junior anything that is under 19!

A line has to be drawn and yeah i like your idea as that would mean i would be able to bowl in the nationals and state for junior this yeah. But the thing is everybody has the same amount of time to be bowling in juniors, if you like me have finally started to improve your bowling in the year when you are told old to compete in nationals, well thems the brakes. Deal

Sorry to be hardline but pushing it back would just disrupt to many things. Look on the bright side the challenges of youth and adult tourneys await you.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Its me, Its me, Its D-R-Z:
Hi all.
I am just posting this topic as a matter of interest as it is a topic that very much affects me and I have been advised to follow it up, but I thought I'd see what my fellow bowlers thought first...
It is in regard to the date at which ages are taken i.e. 1st January. I am 17 this year and turn 18 next year, however I am not eligible to bowl for President Shield next year because I must be under 18 as at 1st January 2003. I think this is extremely unfair that i can be born in the same year as many others, yet I am ineligible and they can bowl. I believe the cut off should be 31st December, so it will clearly distinguish between years.
Please let me know what U all think about the topic. I appreciate that many of you would be indifferent, however please try to put yourselves in the position and think how you would feel about it. Thanx for your time guys. Ciao!

I was under the impression that you can bowl the year out as an 18 year old. I am a bit confused by your post however, i am under the impression that if you turn 18 on the 1st January you can bowl the year out as a junior. I know someone who turned 18 on the 2nd of January and is bowling the year out and is in a president shield team.

I myself wasnt 18 when i made the team but was 18 when I bowled shield. So to me you should be able to bowl the year out as a junior. Please correct me if I have read your post incorrectly.
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