Des Mander - Rest in Peace


Elite Athlete
Some of you may have heard , but for those who have not,

The bowling fraternity has lost another of it 's colourful member's come supporter,bowler and all round good guy this afternoon.

You will be missed by all of your "real" family .....the bowlers.

For all the times you made me laugh.....Rest in Peace Brother.

Tony Stoppel
I heard tonite from Geoff Uren about the sad passing of the "Spiritual Leader" of the SA ATBSO Challenge team. A blessed relief form suffering.

I am sure that Des will be looking down on us all from now on as a real spiritual leader.
I also heard tonight of the very sad news about Des. I was deepy sadened to hear the news - eventhough it was going to happen, it is still a shock as i like many people, never got to say 'goodbye'.

Des always had a great story to tell whenever i saw him. When i was feeling at my lowest, he would always make me smile! Just by saying hello young lady!!

I personally like many also will miss his happy humour and smiling face. I know it got tough in the end, but now its over Des, you will rest in peace and out of pain!

Des Mander was and still will be one of best gentlemen this sport has ever seen!

I'll miss you Des!! As will everyone that knew you!

Des was always full of fun and in high spirits even throughout his illness.

We will all miss you Des. Condolences to all the ATBSO crowd in SA as I know Des will be sadly missed by you all especially.

It was a pleasure to know you Des, Rest in Peace now the pain and suffering has come to an end.

Jo and Anthony Babic
Our Spiritual Leader

It was with great sadness that I learned of the passing of our Spiritual Leader last night.

Although not unexpected, it is still difficult to accept when it acctually happens.

Des was a great bloke and an original ATBSO member.

He may have exuded a gruff exterior but to those of us who new him best, underneath that outward appearance there beat a heart of pure gold.

We have an ATBSO tournament at Cross Road tomorrow and it would be fitting for all ATBSO member to attend to show your respects.

I encourage all members to attend.

RIP Des, you will be sadly missed.

Louise and Greig.
Des' funeral was yesterday morning and it was great to see so many bowlers in attendance.

Elaine Phelan gave a very emotional eulogy.

It was a simply ceremony, just what Des would have wanted.

So, thats it then. Goodbye old mate. You are missed already.
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