Darren Suna 300

Well done Darren!
You've been bowling well all year, knew 300 couldn't have been far away.
Congrats again.
Well done Darren!! It's about time you stopped leaving at least 4 tenpins per game!! :p


Lacky & Kyles
congrats mate on the good bowling looks like that ebonite ball is paying of.

luke green
Thank you everyone, especially Brando.The Ebonite xxxcel you recommended and drilled is the sweetest hitting ball I`ve ever had.

ps. Kyles I managed to leave 5 in the last two games.


Ebonite - Bowl to win
Well done Darren
Wish I was there to see it....maybe next time

Congratulations Darren,

Was a pleasure to watch, great to see you shooting some big numbers. That XXXCEL seems to be working a treat for you.

Keep up the good work.

Tim Reichel.
Darren, Darren, Darren,

The one night I'm NOT there you pull out a 300

I always had a sneaking feeling that you couldn't perform under pressure :rolleyes:

Anyhow great bowling buddy

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