Currajong Junior Open Masters Winners

missy moo

Congratulations to Kayla Bell and Cameron Schulze on winning the Currajong Junior Open Masters. Well done you guys bowled awesome.

Also congrats. to Kimberley Russell who came 2nd, Naomi Russell 3rd, Taylor Kent 4th.

Aaden Pascoe 2nd, Adam Dahle 3rd, Justin Pascoe 4th

You all bowled extremely well.

Congratulations to Kayla and Cameron
And well done to place getters!

See you all at intercity!
Congratulations to Cameron Bling Bling Schulze :cool: for winning the open junior boys masters today and also to Kayla Bell for winning the open girls masters.

Also a big well done to all the placegetters in the open masters

Also a big congrats to the winners of the restriced junior masters and the placegetters aswell.

Hey WOOOOOO Go Kayla... You Rock!!! Congrats also to Cameron...

Keep up the good bowling... See you in a few weeks... Bubbyez
~*...Alicia...*~ :p

CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE, specially kayla and cameron, u guys are awesome!! and well done to the other placegetters!!

toodlepeeps all!!

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