Could it ever happen in bowling?

There are new guidlines for 'Sport Rage' that covers all areas, parents, spectators, players, coaches and managers. The has the sport rage kit and I believe the TBAL is to follow with something similar. And yes, the abuse does happen in our sport, and we need guidelines tp protect all involved.
That sort of crap happens in every sport at junior level, bowling included unfortunately.
When I played school football and soccer the parents of some of the players were pretty ordinary, quite a few of them.
When I used to work for the football club, we used to host the Southern Junior matches on our home ground on a Sunday, and standing there for 7-8 hours working and listening to some of the biggest dickheads on the planet behave the way they did at a junior footy matches used to make my blood boil at times.
I felt sorry for the kids generally, because all they ever did was want to play footy, but then thier parents would be up in the Main Stand or on the boundary fence carrying on as if thier kids were playing in the AFL, calling the umpires and opposition players c***s and whatever else - it was pretty embarrasing.

Instead of dropping the kid from a team because of his/her parents bad behaviour, just yank the parent out the back somewhere and tell them to STFU.
If that doesn't work, ban the parent from attending.

Sometimes the worst thing involving junior sport is parental involvement, from what I've noticed.
I coached netball for years and young junior soccer, and while umpiring I spent more time adjudicating the sidelines than the game. When my kids started bowling in the off seasons it was so different, we changed over full time soon after. The problem is not as noticeable in bowling, but parents still berate the officials and kids, and there is a change happening on the lanes as well. Because the general behaviour is good, you really notice the bad mouthing, and equipment abuse. Its a great sport and we need to keep it that way.
i referee junior (U9) rugby matches every sat during the winter. And its funny that this was posted because today i actually had to stop the game because of a parent abusing me from the sideline. He accused me of being bias toward the opposition as well as hurling abuse for the entire game. I stopped the game and told him i would not restart it until he left the park. I was congratulated after the game by the other parents from the same team for the way i handled the situation. What i dont understand is how parents can actually act the way they do without realising how much of a dickhead its makes them look. Do they even realise that their own kids are embarressed by them? I guess i havent seen it as much in bowling myself because of the fact that even though bowling is competitive, there isnt as much of a direct contact between the two competitors. You cant do anything to make the other person bowl bad, and there's no independant referee that decides the outcome of the game. I think thats the reason why we dont see as much parent abuse in bowling, and i dont think that it could possibly be a problem due to the way bowling is run.

Joel N
Yes and it has happened. I think it would have been about 5/6 years ago now i there was a guy in the NNSW presidents shield team, quite good bowler too, that i was asked to leave the team because of too much parent intervention or something along those lines.
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