
900Global bowler
Well done to the team and management on your great win in the boys section of Presidents Shield. You've done us all proud, especially the way you all came through in the final few rounds with South Queensland applying the pressure.
Well done to the SA Boys team on a great result. Good bowling for you all. Congrats to Shane on making the All Stars, a great effort.

Well done also to the girls who I am sure put in 100% effort, it's not only about winning it's about getting out there and representing to the best of your ability, you can all be proud of your achievements. Well done to you all

Congrats to the boys team on a fantastic effort to win the boys divvy , and to the girls it was also a great effort , you ahould all be proud :D

And to Shane for making all stars congrats :D :D

Well done to both teams for 2004 , you did us all proud and you should be proud also :D

Congrats must also go out to Dion and Alex for finishing in the top 10 averages also

As i said above all of you put ina 100% and did us proud , to those in their last year hope you have enjoyed your experience and well done again :D :D :D
Congratulations Boys & girls on a great effort.

Excellent effort guys on winning the Boys divison.

You have all done SA proud.

David Kuhn :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)
On behalf of the Shield Boys a big thanks to all of those who supported us especially to the sponsors Engineering Software Solutions and the anonymous sponsor (you know who you are)! Thanks to everyone for the 'hero' faxes before Shield and the kind comments!! From a Captain's point of view I am very proud of all the other 6 boys in the team they did fantastically well and should hold their heads up high and be proud of what they have achieved. It wasn't easy and they made it look so, well done boys and good luck for the future especially Alex and Brad who are sadly departing juniors this year!!! Good luck and i hope you guys both go far and i hope your last year was great!!! To the girls you guys were fantastic don't worry about position you should be proud of what you achieved and take the experience on board to further your careers!! I big thank you to Dave, Steve, Vorn and Lyn for all the support, direction and guidance you gave over the past months it really was a team effort and without you guys we would have been lost!! Congrats to everyone in the team it was fantastic being a part of it and to all who can continue fingers crossed we all make it again. To those departing good luck for the rest of juniors and good luck with your journey into youth!!! See you all in a bowl sometime!!

(Captain Pleb)
even though sa isn't my home team and all I was still egging you guys along, I have quite a few great friends from your team, and sitting back watching the team progress along, it was plain to see that you guys were going to take a top three finish. A massive congrats to my mates brad and matty k, and to the others that I met last yr at forrest hill. well done guys you all bowled like champions, and hey you got the cup to prove it now. enjoy your moment guys you have totally earnt it.

catch y'all when I do.
from(as matt k's dad calls me)
the shhtupid shhhkip
jayson griggs
Thanks For everyone's support (esp u Griggsy LOL)

For those who were at strikezone and saw my reaction at shanes strike in the 10th, you would've known how much it ment to me in my last year. To hold that prestigeous trophy at the bowl, the dinner, and home in the airport made all my training and preparation worthwhile.

THANKS TO EVERYONE... especially WA for holding SQ back in game 17 LOL, there ya go adrian



Sorry but the thank yous haven't finished a big thanks to Yuli Gowling our Fitness Conditioner, thanks for organising our program and turning up to all the training sessions. That work has really payed off and i think all involved benefitted from it!! Also a big thanks to "GOD" himself Geof (with an f off) Marsland, the team psycho haha i mean Psychologist, thanks Geof for preparing a new program for us this year!!!! And for once again coming down for Shield and helping us on the lanes it was great and you guys helped us just as much as the management team, thank you for your valuable support and hope to have the pleasure of working with you both in the future!!!! Once again well done guys, well deserved it just proves hard work does pay off, now lets go out there and do it again next year hey!!! Oh and thanks to Adrian for getting his team to get the points off SQ in the 17th game haha (It was only twice ya wanted a mention wasn't it m8 haha!!!!)

(Captain Pleb)
Not mush that can be said really, but i just wanted to pass on my CONGRATS to the guys for a fantastic win!! I only found out tonight that Shane had to bag out to win! Greeat effort champ! You certainly have come along way in 2 years hey buddy!!

I know what its like to bowl your last shield.. its a memory you will have for a long time to come. Enjoy the moment Brad & Alex.

Congratulations again boys, you certainly did bring home the bacon this time!

I did try to send you an email, but my email decided to s**t itself tuesday night and didnt get to send it. But my thoughts were with you all the way!

Not to forget the girls, they did a great job considering the inexperience in the team. You all gave 100% and thats all anyone could have asked! You should be proud!

Anyway, thats all from me....


Yours in bowling
SA team...wat can i say!!! CONGRATS!! for one...but i also want to thank you for being at the cabins in Kiama with the NQ helped make my last year at nationals the best yet! Dion, good luck for your next two years left in juniors...Brad, spose i'll see ya round at the youth tourny's,....Ash, miss ya bub and good luck...Lou-Lou, miss ya bowled well and i know you can do it again in youth!;)

Anyone else i've sorry but i must jet, just remember that we are all proud of how you bowled as a team, coz look at how it paid off!!!
See ya's round......Bye Bye Junior Nationals Love from Tiffany Jade(NQ)
Yes!!!! more praise MORE PRAISE!!! haha

Yes big congratumalations to our SA buddies, you guys did extremely well to win that trophy, and you really deserved it. Enjoy the moment, I just hope WA can come away with a win in future years...

Well Done boys
See ya's around
what can i say?!?!

very very deserved you bowled well as a team and it payed off with all of that hard work that you put in. hopefully sq could get the win in for the boys next year

:p 8) Matty 8) :p
Well done guys, I was so proud to be apart of such a moment when you guys just got over the line in the end and for obvious reasons known to some, I'm glad it was you guys that did get over the line in the end. From the start of day 1, to the end of day 3, you guys kept going and didn't drop off. Coming from a team that shot 1100 odd in the 1st game against you guys and taking 1 point, I knew you guys were gonna come close.

It was great to see all of you guys showing great emotion in your victory. If there's something bowling lacks, it's tears of joy and pride in a win as prestigious as this one.

Well done to Brad, Dion, Matt, Alex, Rory, Ashley and Shane. You guys deserved it and all the best for you guys in the future.

Well said Chris.
I was glad to see you blokes got up and won.
There's certain things in any sports which I believe are sacrosanct and those lines were crossed, regrettably.
Glad to see your team backed up the talent and a fine victory with a bit of class.

Well Done & Congratulations. :D
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