Congratulations to Clair Johnston - SPC Champion!!!


aka "Dragohan"
SPC Champion!!!

Just want 2 give a MASSIVE shout out to Clair "clair bear" Johnston for her fantastic win over at SPC this weekend. Well bowled and keep up the good work!!

Cheers Bobba
Congratulations to Clair Johnston

I just wanted to Congratulate Clair Johnston on winning the Ladies South Pacific Final.

I know that Clair doesn't read Total Bowling, but hopefully someone can mention this post to her.

I had the pleasure of bowling with Clair for the 16 games qualifying. She is the nicest person & I'm so happy to see her win. She bowled so consistent throughout the weekend & deserved to be the winner in the end.

So well bowled Clair & I wish you the very best in representing Australia at the World Cup.

It's good to finally see some new blood going to the World Cup.

;) Jenny
Re: Congratulations to Clair Johnston



Re: Congratulations to Clair Johnston

Yes, well done Clair, top effort from another young gun. :cool:

Could I also congratulate Cassie. That is a super result Cassie, well done ;)
Re: Congratulations to Clair Johnston

well done clair

Bowl well overseas and make us all proud :p :p :p


Tracey Michelle John Chris Madden
Re: Congratulations to Clair Johnston


Well done on maintaining your composure on a grand scale. Great bowling... Represent us well in the World Cup!

Cassie, I had the pleasure of bowling with you during the qualifying on the same pair and you bowled great. Keep your head up! There will alwsys be next year to win and represent your country in the world cup.

To take nothing away from our top lady bowlers, but I personally think that the changing of the guards is in motion. Well done to all....

You little ripper. Keep up with the top bowling, catch up with ya soon.

Well Done Clair yay you will do us proud and it was fantastic to hear of your win , well deserved .

luv Tash Ben caleb and aimee xoxoxoxox
What can I say - Well done Clair your a legend - its good to see you still going places in bowling :) you just get better and better and im sure that will continue, i dont think ive seen someone as dedicated to the sport as you, and its good to see that dedication paying off :) all the best for World Cup - and make sure you enjoy yourself.

Congrats to Cassie also on coming 2nd - GO THE YOUTH GIRLS!!!!
Congrats to Clair on the SPC win and also to Cassie for her 2nd placing.

It was great to hear that 2 of the best female youth bowlers in this country were battling it out in the final of a tournament with this much prestige!!! :D

Well done Clair, good to see!

Hi to all by the way... I am still alive somewhere in a dark closet, in the tipsy turvy land!

Benny S.

BTW - Bobba, I forgot my Shearbe account password :( no more shearbe! damn it!
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