Congratulations BEN and BIANCA



Congratulations to you both! You've proven to be true champions of the sport. I wish you both much success in what should be long and successful bowling futures.
CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH OF YOU !!! WOO HOO South Queensland !! :lol: Hahaha ..

Upyours is this enough proof that there is talent in the female junior bowlers in Australia ?? If not then .. blah UP YOURS !!

Once again congrats Bianca and Ben .. Well Done :lol: :lol:

Salata ..

Congrats you two, fine fine fine performance, and as upyours has PROFOUNDLY put it, i wish the best of you in your future travels and tourneys. Once again, congrats and best of luck to you!!!!!! :D:D:D
Congratulations to BEN & BIANCA

What a great achievement!! Congrats. to both of you - fine representatives of our chosen sport ...... may you both have great futures and continue to impress.

and - South Queensland - beautiful one day. perfect the next.

Congratulations to BEN & BIANCA

What a great achievement!! Congrats. to both of you - fine representatives of our chosen sport ...... may you both have great futures and continue to impress.

and - South Queensland - beautiful one day. perfect the next.

Congratulations Benand Bee on winning the masters!!!!!

Ben i knew you could do it. Ben is a wonderful person, so gracious in winning and i am sure his mum and dad are so proud of him because we are proud to have him as a friend!!!!!
again well done Ben !!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS I KNEW YOU COULD BOTH DO IT!!! WEll done to everyone else.. GREAT games from Ben and Bee... i know yous will go far !!!!

Anyways congratulations and well done !!!

CAtch Up with yous later 8) :lol: :lol:
congrats ben and bianca, (i think i spelt it right)

you both deserved to win it.......

darn i hate it when i'm proved wrong oh well it happens.............
congrats to you both and also to the other finalists, watching you all was amasing, to everyone that missed it, you really have to watch all these people in action to appreciate just how much skill they have. congratulations to you all. australias bowling future looks strong if these bowlers and many more are anything to go by.
Congrats to ben and bianca, you both bowled exceptionally well, and to everyone else that bowled it was a well played tournament and i enjoyed watchin it

congrats guys...

bianca, never doubted you... congratulations

ben, our own little miss congeniality :wink: , well done, i knew you could do it and you deserve it so much for all the pratice and hard work you put in ... like bowling a helicopter shot or left-handed back-up with me on tuesdays... haha.

anyways congrats to both of you and all the other finalists

Congrats Ben on winning.

Bee, what can i say, you did it!!!!

I watched every shot over her last 3 sets and none was more nerve recking then her last shot against . She needed 9 on her last shot which doesn't seem like much of a task for Bianca Flanagan but she 2 5-7's already in that match and lots of other splits and clusters.

But she put in such a solid shot.

Then it was pretty much all class from there, apart from a few spastic shots which were for me and rolly polly :p


And once again well done to Ben on holding of a stellar performance from Mickey Zentveld who bowled 279 in his final game. But ben chucked in a 242 game to hold him off.


Seaa's all next year :D
I must say a Huge Congrats to Ben. Going into the last game of the first set, he only had 5 strikes, but wass till in the game due to one fact. He SPARED EVERYTHING!! thats a huge effort, especially with mickey throwing strikes in every direction. then he came out and bagged out from the 6th or 7th frames to claim that, and then went on to miss only ONE spare that wasnt a split. Being a fellow stroker i know how important those spares are to us, and Ben did a fine job to spare everything he could. Even those Dodgy 5 pins! lol. Well done on a great victory.
Congrats must go to bee as well. A well deserved victory. didnt really watch the girls game but saw her with a many strikes in row, Well Done!!

Later Da Cowman!
Congrats Bee and Ben. A great effort from both of you. Your both champions!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D
yayyy...congrats to ben and bee, well done! unfortunately we didnt see the repocharge (is that how u spell it???) but we knew the sq'ers would win!!! haha. congrats again. and i'll see yous later!
Well done Bianca and Ben you are champions. Keep up the great bowling! :D and also well done to Sylvia and Mickey you bowled really well
A big congrats to Ben and Bee on winning the masters :D !
I knew that u to could do it. Just wish that i could have bowled the second, but that happens.

Take Care
Hey guys

I just wanted to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you! I don't know anybody out there that deserved to win more that you two.

To Bianca... i never doubted you for a second. Before you bowled a single ball down those lanes i (and also everybody else) knew that you would throw that beautiful ball of yours that always does amazingly well.

and to my Ben

Congratulations buddy. I always knew that you would do extremely well down there! You put in so much effort proir to your trip down to Melbourne, and it definately showed!!

Keep up the good work guys, i know this is only the beginning of a huge future for the both of you!!

Take care
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