Congrats to Winners of Inter Centre Challenge at Nationals



Congratulations to the winners of the Challenge and well done to all participants. Amazing to see all 32 bowlers who made it to the top 8 teams bowl amazingly well over their entering averages. Good to see some juniors improving so well in such a short amount of time. Obviously some excellent coaching out there. Outstanding performance by one ACT junior who entered as a 126 average and ended up bowling a 189 average for 15 games. Scores available at
my name is michael craig (the 126 entering average bowler)
and i just wanted to say well done to all the teams that made the final they bowled really well and we only won by one point againsted redcliff gold.
Sorry to say but by the looks of those scores it seems there was a small case of average management happening here.
Sorry to say but by the looks of those scores it seems there was a small case of average management happening here
:oops: :oops:

Perhaps you should read the entering averages on the entry form. The entering averages are taken from the end of year, it is also used for all grades as well. So I think when you say "a small case of average management" that could also be said for the whole of the Nationals (except for Open).

If the averages were taken as at 31 May the result may or may not have changed. But don't go accusing these juniors who put on a very good show and were very gracious in winning and losing, being SANDBAGGERS. Isn't that the same as AVERAGE MANAGEMENT. :twisted: :twisted:

Always be careful when trying to use words to disguise what you really mean.
Hi everyone!

Just want to say a Big Congratulations to all the ACT Junior bowlers. A hat trick to boot!

These kids put in the hard yakka and it's not the same kids each year either. It's hard enough to get any kid interested in a sport let alone tenpin bowling. Back off to those with your SANDBAGGERS comment! :evil:

To the manager-Shaz: Well done once again!!!

If the averages were taken as at 31 May the result may or may not have changed. But don't go accusing these juniors who put on a very good show and were very gracious in winning and losing, being SANDBAGGERS. Isn't that the same as AVERAGE MANAGEMENT

What I meant to say here was ( I left part of my sentence out) and pushed the wrong button.
"winning and losing". ........But being Sandbaggers "never".

But what Scoreggia has insnuated is that Average management is the same as sandbagging.

Please accept my appols for not reading first before submitting.
Congrats to all Juniors who bowled and a huge Congrats to the juniors from the ACT

Big effort 1st, 3rd &4th

That win made it 3 consecutive years that a Team from Canberra International Bowl has taken out the event

How can anyone even suggest that 12, 13 & 14yr olds SANDBAG.

Michael Craig is the Junior in question with his brilliant effort during the I/Cup.

When i arrived at the centre late last year he was using a 11lb plastic ball conventionally.

During the past 8 months Michael has acquired several top line balls, gone to 14lb & 15lb bowls 3-6 days per week, had several sessions with various people around the trap. his practise goes to the extent that about once a month he goes down and bowls for a w/end in Shellharbour.

So i ask is it his fault the rules ask for averages at the end of 2002, or is it his fault he has learnt the game quicker than some.

Instead of knocking the kid, why not pat him on the back and nuture his talents as one day he maybe someone kicking ur BUTT

again congratulations to the ENTIRE Team, cause Michael didnt win it by himself please all remember that

Krystal Guy, Glyn Thwaites, Allan Parbs, Kyle Webber and Michael Craig

A special big thanks to Sherilee, Cameron and Liam. these guys worked tirelessly over the trip as all team officials do, well done guys a job well done
i would like to say a huge well done to the team that came in 8th place, Caboolture / Gold Coast. to make the final was an enourmous achievment in it's self as they had a combined handicap of 158 !!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

so Craig. Trent, Brent, James and Cathrine well done, you posted some huge scores, never lost your cool and as a parent i was very proud of you all !!!!!

yes it was a handicap tournement, it was very well run and congratulations to the everyone you were all winners !!!! :lol:
I would like to congratulate the members of my team REDCLIFFE GOLD who lost by only a single point. We led by a point going into the final match and it was contested down to the very last frame of the very last bowler. Well done to my teamates Gary Moore, Michaela Garvey, John Morris and Clayton Suhan. Great bowling all of you. And thankyou to all the parents who supported us it meant a lot.
Hey i would just like to say that i was so proud of all the people who bowled for the vikings and not just the team that came first. there was also the teams that came third and forth and there was only half a point between them. i think you all did well and i think you should all be happy with how you did. and to all the teams that came in the other spots well done to you aswell.

i loves yous all :lol:
id just like 2 say well done 2 everyone who bowled i/c and even if u didnt make the finals u still bowled really well i was part of A.C.T gold and we came third and the other A.C.T team came 4th and we where seperated by0.5 of a point.
so no hard feelings 2 those who didnt win because everyone helped the team who won win :lol: :D :)
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