Congrats Rochelle



Huge Congrats to Queenslander Rochelle Motlee for WINNING the Sydney Junior Cup Tournament.
I'm sure this was an absolute thriller to watch and only wish I was there to see it.
Good to see all that practice is paying off.
You deserved the win chick.
Love from the NT mob!!
A huge congrats to Rocky that is so awesome. A massive achievement for this young girl she has so much talent.

Congrats again.

Yay Go Rocky!!!
you really deserved the win you may have got off to a shake start but then you killed it. Stupid 10 pin :p
Well deserved win:D

Ariiiiiight, great bowling Rocky. A sign of what is to come I think. Well done, next step, YOUTH!

I'm soo proud of you... winning your first major junior tournament... nothing can stop you now...

you deserve it soo much!

cya tuesday night!

Congratulations Rocky!
You bowled so well all weekend.. Keep up the awesome bowling.

Shall see you at youth.
Maybe sooner! :p
congrats rocky you little star....

i watched u all weekend and new you were going to take it out...

next step youth in january...
Congrats Rocky! Well bowled all weekend, nice to see that you're still improving so much and still showing people what you're made of on the bwling circuit.

I'd also like to say a mini congrats to my best bud Jesikah! Well done capsicum hehe, you did absolutely awesome, especially with that big finish that you had :)


Rowey :p
Congratulations Rochelle.
I was watching you all weekend and you killed it.
Looked like you did it with such ease too...well done.

Congratulations also to the Sess Express.
Again, proving to everyone you got spot up on last year too ;)
Gotta be happy bout that. You know whats next...

Congrats Rocky u bowled well all weekend a very well deserved win keep up the great bowling also congrats to all the placegetters.

Steve Armstrong
Just the beginning for a most promising career in bowling - well done Rocky and it just shows that 'the harder I work, the luckier I get'! ENJOY your win.

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