Congrats Luke Rafton

well done that be your second this year and it the space of 2 or so months
P.S i think that buddies bowling on facebook is ur secret LOL what do u reckon
nice work mate there be a few more this year iam sure
Hey Hubby

Congrats on your 300 - you are a champion
Now lets see one tonight at Mt W :D
Luv you long time ;)
Was it with the boot ball?
you bet it was with the boot ball. it must be all the plugging in it that makes it work. best $50 i ever spent in bowling. that ball has 3 300's 2 from me 1 from ben coupland.:thumbup:
Congrats on the game luke. Looked good from behind the machine where I was standing. You the man. :)
To my sweetie pie bumface Lukey,
(get it right Dale !)

Congrats on your 300 at Cannon Hill. You only beat me by 46 in that game - not bad !!

Love you
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