Congrats De Veer

Dion A

New Member
Congrats to the De Veer boys and girls from SA on a great performance over the past 3 days!! Special congrats to the girls on their 3rd placing GO GIRLS!!! Well done to the guys on their 4th placing and a 4th overall!!! Pretty gd if ya ask me!! Congrats enjoy the dinner dance don't get 2 smashed!!!! 8) Hopefully its a sign of things to come in Rachuig, Ya hear that guys!!! haha!!! Cya all when you get back!!

Dion :D
HEY HEY. BIG congrats to the DEVeer Team. Special congrats to the girls on there 3rd place. After been 7th after the 2nd day (I think). First 4 games 2day 7-0 7-0 6-1 5-2. Also well done to the boys on their 4th place. And congrats on the team on their 4th place overall


Hope the Rachuig can do just as good if not better!!

Only best will be acceptable.

No-one is going away to lose.

To the De Veer team, well done to come back from where you were, and Robbie, good effort buddy, the training paid off. 17 out of 18 games is a great effort.
What can i say De Veer Ladies???

you pulled it out when it counted and we are all proud of you. To be in 7th after day 2 and come out firing from all ends was phenomenal. When i got the msg i couldnt believe it but now i can because you came out and KICKED ASS.

To the guys, a very very strong performance, not missing out by much. you were there for the whole 3 days and wouldnt go away.

Congratulations to Lyllian and George on making the All Stars, and to Robbie on making the top 10 averages.

Congratulations again

CONGRATULATIONS To everyone in the deveer team =D> you guys and gals bowled fantastic over the 3 days and we back here are proud of you.

To the Girls , WOW what a performance to finish 3rd , all of you have guts determination and brilliance , FANTASTIC you really did us proud :D

Guys also bowled VERY well to finish 4th(NOT BY MUCH) and 4th overall that was well just brilliant , be proud people coz we are of you! =D>

anyway i was watching all days on the net , and was cheering from back here.


Congrats also to Lillian and George for your great efforts in making the 'Team of the year' in you respective divisions!! I couldnt c who made it b4, but very well done!!! Hold ur heads high because it is a great achievement!!! Well done again and keep up the gd work 4 many years 2 come!!!

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