
is retired...
I would like to be the first to publicly CONGRATULATE 'Captain Kangaroo' Jo Babic on a fine performance in Malaysia!

To finish the Top Aussie gal in the World Championships is a faaaaaantastic effort. I couldnt be prouder!

On behalf of most of South Australia and some of the SA Rachuig Team, WELL DONE!

Look forward to catching up with you soon!

Luv your work!!
NHJC Vice President

See what happens when you warm up fast?? ha ha

Congrats jo on a fantastic effort in what seemed to be tough condidtions, we always had faith in ya!!!

Hope u enjoyed the champs just as much as we enjoyed following it day by day (maybe i should've done some school work :p )

C u soon

Yep, I agree completely with everything you said Marty.

Congratulations Jo, well bowled. :lol:

No doubt you will continue the great form in Rachuig.
Go JO!!!!!!
Congratulations on your great effort in Malaysia! :D

Well done finishing the top Aussie out of them all.

You bowled very well, look forward to catching up with you when you get back.

Fantastic Effort!
Great effort Jo!!!!!!!!
I know how tough the competition is at WORLDS.

Now back to good old SA conditions....wait till you see what score you have to bowl to get your bonus point on Monday night, sorry I think I bowled to well.

Once again......well done!!!!

I agree with you there Marty, it was a fantaaaaaaaaaaaastic effort by Jo.

Well done Jo , well bowled and as Marty said we are proud of you!! :D :D
Just wanna add my congrats to Jo on a fine performance at World's, it was great to see.

Look forward to seeing you in Townsville!
Thanks to everyone for your good wishes both here on this site and also sent to me personally via email / SMS etc Your support and words of encouragement were much appreciated.

It's GREAT to be home.

My own personal performance in KL was interesting! I learnt a lot about my game by not only bowling but also watching some of the best women in the world.

The conditions were playable (from my perspective) however we are all products of our own environment..... Our games are developed for the conditions we play on here making it tough to change your technique instantly for the conditions we played on over there. Hence the scroes shown on the score board, personally I would get it right for a few frames and then my "Aussie" technique would come in to play. So this really makes it difficult to get the scores on the board when every 3rd / 4th frame you throw a shot that is not going to give you a good count :x .

To walk away as the leading Aussie Girl is in a way an achievement and gives me a lot more confidence however my aim was just to perform well. I do feel like I did this but I also feel that I left a lot out there which makes me realise that if I am ever LUCKY enough to wear the Green and Gold again I need to improve in a few aspects of my game to be more competitive.

Thanks again for your wishes. If there is anything about the trip you would like to know please ask, I am happy to give you a run down on the bowling side of things.....


PS Congrats to Clair and Darren on your Masters win Yesterday.
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