Complete Tournaments Calender

I'm wondering why there is not a COMPLETE STATE TOURNAMENT CALENDER posted somewhere on the web. If there is, someone please let me know.

The reason I am saying this, is that there were congratulations posted for the Victorian Seniors Challenge team. I looked on TBA, Vic Tenpins, Total Bowling,MTBA & ATBSOV website calenders for a reference to this, but couldn't find anything conclusive.

Apparently, there were only 3 ladies turned up to bowl, so they automatically made the team What satisfaction would YOU get, if no competition turned up?

I don't know if there are some politics involved, but my view is that politics should be put aside for the good of the sport.

Most of the associations are starved for competitors, so I'm sure if there were more announcements on ALL websites, there would be more bowlers wanting to compete.

Brien S
i can't see why TBA cant list the tournaments it issues acreditation numbers for throughout the year on its website whether the tournamnet be local, state or national.

this way everyone will know who holds tournaments and when they hold them and bolwers can do their own checking into whether the same tournament will be on next year at the same place.

for example Orange NSW has been hosting the NSW Country Championships for a couple of years now and will host the next 2 years. the accreditation number is issued Novemberish and the tournament is held generally around Australia Day time. a TBA database will simply show this as an accredited tournament conducted in January each year.

sounds simple to me

it would be nice to know what is going on at all other centres. Centres should want their tournaments promoted more too so there will be more entries.
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