
Staff member
Hi everyone

Well we have been going now on this new forum for just over a week now and everyone is just starting to trickle in.
To help create a bit of interest, Phil from Keggler Software http://www.brackets.freeserve.co.uk has been kind enough to offer a Double Tote Bowling Bag to the person who guesses this question correctly.

1) There is one week grace period from tonight - if more than one person answers correctly before Tuesday 19th June, there will be a tiebreaker question.
After Tuesday 19th June, it will be first correct answer wins.

2) In order to win, the person must post their reply here. If you are not registered on the forum we suggest you do so if you want to win. It's free - so what have you got to lose ?

Anyway - here is the question - and good luck !

What is the item in the following picture ?

hint - I did say Phil found it in his yard - that is the truth - but how it got there is another story. It is not something normally found in yards.

Happy guessing !


i think its the original mould used to shape george's head, the greeks disposed of it in one hell o a hurry when they realised there horrible mistake.

Perhaps its a huge cadbury chocolate made in their Tasmanian factory that has gone horribly wrong.

Not that I have anything wrong with Tasmanians mind you :^)
The picture is the result of a bowling Einstein using acid solutions (apparently soaking) to change the surface of a bowling ball - just forgot how long we have been 'soaking' - Just looking for more 'grip'.
it looks like the head of a mannequin that been attacked by fire.hey shinnie how do u get to kingaroy again?
Looks like a pin that has been a combination of burnt and eaten or rotted away.

A fossill of some type. I know it's a general answer but I'm guessing it's from a time before 1000 B.C

just over 24 hours to go in the initial part of the competition - remember that if noone has it right by tomorrow night (6pm Queensland time) it becomes sudden death.

BUT if more than one person has the answer correct, there will be a tie breaker question.

there is a similarity to the picture and my x-rays of my legs after "bowling" on chermsides approaches at the weekend......... i wonder how many others have the same numbness....hehehehehe
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