College Bowling in the USA


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
For those bowlers who are 17-20yrs and are serious about the sport, may I recommend you check out

It really is the place to be if your serious about the sport. Not only can you be coached by the best coaches in the world, but you'll get an excellent education. They do offer scholraships, especially if you are half decent. I remember one girl from Australia 2 years ago taking a spot over there. The competition is fierce but you'll be 20 X better for it.

With the guys, I think depending on your resume they'll pay for up to 50% of your scholarship which includes tournaments, board and education. With the girls, you can get 100% paid for scholarships!

I really encourage the youth and junior bowlers out there to check the site out and have a look at what the USA can offer. From a bowling point of view it doesn't get any better than that.

If I had my chance over again, I'd be jumping at it. Don't let your chance go by....
thanx george!!!
i have been looking for something like this for a while now

and am checking it out straight away!!!
cheers again.
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