City Of Sydney Results



Open Boys


1. Chis Slattery 16, 3630, 226
2. Ben Rankin 12, 2565, 213
3. Glen Loader 12, 2583, 215
4. Mathew McRae 10, 2178, 217
5. James Sitters 10, 1954, 195
6. Matthew Sofia 8, 1714, 214
7. Stephen Cowland 8, 1698, 212
8. Bobby O'Reilly 8, 1574, 196
9. Marc Triulcio 6, 1194, 199
10. Brad Douglas 6, 1191, 198
11. Shannon Kinninmont 6, 1158, 193
12. Scott Richards 6, 1076, 179
13. Bradley Coleman 4, 830, 207
14. Brady Pirie 4, 717, 179
15. Steve Paterson 4, 714, 178
16. Adam Bennett 4, 697, 174

Girls Open Masters


1. Samantha Fisher 12, 2358, 196
2. Christine Day 16, 3043, 190
3. Lauren Robb 12, 2427, 202
4. Kelly Young 10, 1904, 190
5. Carmen Lo 10, 1809, 180
6. Kelly Zelvis 8, 1521, 190
7. Lauren Rochester 8, 1476, 184
8. Michelle Astill 8, 1434, 179
9. Stacey Buckton 6, 1107, 184
10. Jessica McGinty 6, 1084, 180
11. Hayli Mazzoni 6, 1052, 175
12. Rebbecca Prentice 6, 987, 164
13. Lauren Chown 4, 729, 182
14. Lysa Harrison 4, 640, 160
15. Taryn Sheffield 4, 626, 156
16. Reese Leckie 4, 622, 155

Theres the Masters Results, But as I already have done in person I would like to again congratulate Chris and Sam for fantasic bowling efforts. and great wins

Ben Rankin and Christine, bowled well as always.

I really enjoyed myself and thats my best results ever in that format, I took out Sofia but couldnt get past his partner in crime Slats!!

Congrats again to the winners!!
i would just like to add what happened in the restricted unfortuantly only 7 boys tried out

1st) Matthew Barr
2nd) Ross Thompson
3rd) Andrew Mclean
4th) Brett Layden
5th) Ardon Muriti
6th) Brennan Kinninmont
7th) Evan Wotton

Girls only 3 bowlers

1st) Ashleigh Greer (congrats Ash)
2nd) Deanne Church
3rd) Angela Liversage
I'd also like to say Congrats to Slats and Sammy again for there efforts at the masters, they both bowled awesome and deserved to win. Congrats to Christine, Ben and everyone else who bowled in the masters aswell, from the what I saw today everyone bowled well.

Later, Brad.
congrats slats and sammy u guys are twpo of the best bowlers i have seen in a long time
chris and ben u two bowled excellent all day and glen and lozz u both bowled excellent as well and good luck with the rest of ya bowling
congrats again to all u peoples
hey all,
I'd like to congradulate everyone who bowled masters today everyone did really well...and ofcourse i special congrads to slats and sammy...i just wish i could have stayed to watch sure it would have been good to watch...congrads again
love loz
Hey peoplez....

i need to clear something up. There is probably some rumours going around saying that i *cracked under the pressure* (about losing and my 125
game) in the masters final against slats at Sydney championships. All i wanna say is, i haven't been in that position before, and i haven't made any masters final before in my life. that was my first and i was happy just to be up there in front of the crowd. I have to say it is an awesome feeling when you have 40+ poeople watching you and clapping your every strike. Even if you don't win, it was an excellent experience that i will alwways rememeber.

Secondly i wanna congratulate Slats. Man you bowled awesome in that tournament, and like i told you on the lanes after we had our non-final match, "i wanna face you in the final". And that i did. Im so happy you won man you deserved it more than i did.

Congrats to sammy azwell she kept in there and never gave up. Christine u bowled well and shuold be happy wif 2nd coz i am

Alrite so yea, i'll see you all at nationals
Hi guys

Ben I do not believe you choked, you averaged 213 through the whole day and in the first masters final match, still bowled 228 and 211, that to me is not the sign of a loser or a choker.

I was watching the second match (final replay) close to you and although it may have seemed you choked, you didnt, but I do have one question, what was wrong with your wrist brace in the first half of the first game?

You bowled fantasicly throughout the whole day and definately deserved to be in that final. Congratulations on your efforts.

I just wish I could of played you instead of chris ;-)

Seeya at Nationals..... GO CENTRAL!!
I would like to agree with Ben that seond can hurt a little but it is something you need to take in your stride and it sure sounds like that is what Ben is doing.
I bowled in Restricted as i am sure most of u know by now and i came home with second
after the first 4 games i had a lead of about 50 pins and i bowled an 89 and after that Ashleigh got me and won by 58pins!

I'd just like to say welldown to every1 who bowled in either Masters you all bowled really well.
Well i was hoping to win this back to back...Thought i was going good with an ave of 229 after 6...Hahaha then the next block i died,Bit of carry would of helped but oh well!!!!!
I'm kinda glad i got knocked out,This way i didn't have to come up against slats...Let me tell you this guy was on a mission!!!
Slats deserved this more then anyone...Farout this freak is improving by the minute!!!
Good old benny boy,Mate this guy went off...You should be proud of second man!!!
Well bowled boys keep the good **** up hahaha
seeeee ya's
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