City Of Syd



I was just wondering how every1 went??
i did ok coming out with a first for singles 1st for doubles 1st in all events and 3rd in trios for my grades
and a second in girls restricted masters.

Congrats to Sam and Slats for their Masters win!
and congrats to Ashleigh and Matthew in Restricted!

i was also wondering why some of the open bowlers dont think it is an acheivemt for some of us lower bowlers to get into restricted?
It as good for us as open is 4 u!!
Open All Events- 18th
Open Singles- 6th, 37th, 48th
Open Doubles- 14th
Open Trios- 1st

Open Masters 5th

As for the restricted comments, I have never heard anyone seriously put down the restricted masters or division. I personally think that the restricted masters is a great place to start

My first tournament I came 3rd in NSW State restricted in 2000

Anyway bye bye
ok here are most of centrals results
Michelle Astill-
Open singles- 3rd,11th,16th
Open doubles- 2nd
Open trios- 3rd and all events 5th

Christine Day-
Open singles- 1st
Open doubles- 3rd
Open trios- 1st and all events 1st

Lauren Rochester-
Open singles- 11th tied with myself,14th,15th
Open doubles- 3rd
Open trios- 1st and all events 6th

Kelly Young-
Open singles-4th
Open doubles-2nd
Open trios-3rd and all events 7th

Carmen Lo-
Open singles-10th,13th
Open doubles-4th
Open trios-1st and all events 8th

Rebecca Prentice-
Classic singles-1st
classic doubles-3rd
classic trios-1st and all events 4th

Reese Leckie-
Open singles-9th,17th
Open doubles-4th
Open trios-3rd and all events 11th
Matt Sofia-
Open Singles-1st,9th
Open doubles-4th
open trios-3rd,5th and all events 5th

Glen Loader-
all events- 2nd
open singles-8th
open doubles-1st with a new record
Open trios-3rd

Matt Mcrae-
all events 3rd
open singles-7th
open doubles-5th
open trios-1st

neil hawkins-
all events-19th
open singles-21st,25th,32nd
open doubles-14th
open trios-1st

steve paterson
all events-7th
open singles-11th
open doubles-1st with a new record
open trios-3rd

shannon kinninmont-
allevents 13th
open singles-17th,25th,35th
open doubles-7th
open trios-5th

james sitters-
all events-18th
open singles-6th,37th,48th
open doubles-14th
open trios-1st

GO CENTRAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a few more
Lauren Chown-
3rd in A all events
1st and 10th in A singles
1st in A doubles
1st in Classis trios!
GO lozz!

and kez bennett
3rd in Classis all events
5th in Classic singles
3rd in Classic doubles
1st in Classic trios!

go u two!!!
I was just wondering how every1 went??
i did ok coming out with a first for singles 1st for doubles 1st in all events and 3rd in trios for my grades
and a second in girls restricted masters.

Congrats to Sam and Slats for their Masters win!
and congrats to Ashleigh and Matthew in Restricted!

i was also wondering why some of the open bowlers dont think it is an acheivemt for some of us lower bowlers to get into restricted?
It as good for us as open is 4 u!!
Open All Events- 18th
Open Singles- 6th, 37th, 48th
Open Doubles- 14th
Open Trios- 1st

Open Masters 5th

As for the restricted comments, I have never heard anyone seriously put down the restricted masters or division. I personally think that the restricted masters is a great place to start

My first tournament I came 3rd in NSW State restricted in 2000

Anyway bye bye
ok here are most of centrals results
Michelle Astill-
Open singles- 3rd,11th,16th
Open doubles- 2nd
Open trios- 3rd and all events 5th

Christine Day-
Open singles- 1st
Open doubles- 3rd
Open trios- 1st and all events 1st

Lauren Rochester-
Open singles- 11th tied with myself,14th,15th
Open doubles- 3rd
Open trios- 1st and all events 6th

Kelly Young-
Open singles-4th
Open doubles-2nd
Open trios-3rd and all events 7th

Carmen Lo-
Open singles-10th,13th
Open doubles-4th
Open trios-1st and all events 8th

Rebecca Prentice-
Classic singles-1st
classic doubles-3rd
classic trios-1st and all events 4th

Reese Leckie-
Open singles-9th,17th
Open doubles-4th
Open trios-3rd and all events 11th
Matt Sofia-
Open Singles-1st,9th
Open doubles-4th
open trios-3rd,5th and all events 5th

Glen Loader-
all events- 2nd
open singles-8th
open doubles-1st with a new record
Open trios-3rd

Matt Mcrae-
all events 3rd
open singles-7th
open doubles-5th
open trios-1st

neil hawkins-
all events-19th
open singles-21st,25th,32nd
open doubles-14th
open trios-1st

steve paterson
all events-7th
open singles-11th
open doubles-1st with a new record
open trios-3rd

shannon kinninmont-
allevents 13th
open singles-17th,25th,35th
open doubles-7th
open trios-5th

james sitters-
all events-18th
open singles-6th,37th,48th
open doubles-14th
open trios-1st

GO CENTRAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a few more
Lauren Chown-
3rd in A all events
1st and 10th in A singles
1st in A doubles
1st in Classis trios!
GO lozz!

and kez bennett
3rd in Classis all events
5th in Classic singles
3rd in Classic doubles
1st in Classic trios!

go u two!!!

Congrats to everyone for their efforts on the weekend at City of Sydney. A comment to the person who started this topic about people not really respecting the younger bowlers, and especially bowlers who compete in Restricted events. It makes me laugh, really, to think that Open bowlers, and there are more than just a few, have a good laugh at the younger, less experienced who are in the lower grades when they are just playing the sport that they love and doing their best to achieve something for themselves. I was never what you would call an excellent bowler, but I made shield, and even though I didn't get many games I still felt like I had worked my way up to a level that I was aiming for.

These guys who just laugh and make fun of younger, lower graded bowlers, are just laughing at themselves because where do they think that they started originally?? Do they think that they just popped out of the woodwork with 180+ averages overnight, with no coaching or tournament experience - and if you think you did, wake up! I came 4th in National restricted masters in 1993 which I thought was pretty mad, then in 1994 I made the NSW Central Presidents Shield team which just totally blew me out of the water, and this was when it was alot harder to make, and the bowlers were just as good as they are today in Open, and we fielded a roll-off of more than the required 20 qualifiers.

C'mon guys, give the younger guys a break, because like my junior days when I was in "C" grade, and "B" grade, and the names Maxine Nable, David Brooker and Katie Stuart were mentioned, I really admired and respected them for what they were achieving in the junior ranks, and if this kind of laughing and making fun of people goes on, then the respect for the higher average bowlers and bowling in general will just disappear.

I know this post dragged on a bit, but I think that everything I said had to be said.


thanx for the statement of where did they all start and i think it is good that there r only a couple of people who r saying restricted isnt where u want to be and i have noticed the two people that said it to me were two that didnt make open masters.

i would just like to make clear that at 12 i am very happy to have had the oppurtunity to bowl in restricted this being my 1st as in a yr or 2 (if that long) i wont be able to bowl graded and i think graded is a great learning step!
To D and Brad
Us Astill's all totally agree 100% with both of you.
I myself had a great time being in restricted masters and i have won gosford restricted masters and had a couple of seconds in other events including city of sydney. I think it is a great learning experience and we are better off as bowlers having been involved in it.
I would just like to congratulate you D on coming 2nd it is a great acheivment and you should be very proud of yourself in doing this.
Good luck in your future bowling.
Love Michelle.
On this note I would like to say how proud I was of the boys at the Mid North Coast Champs. One player had to pull out of the teams event because of injury and a replacemant had to be found, one was a 'D' grade bowler to bowl in an 'O' team. Those 'O' bowlers treated that boy with nothing but respect, they applauded him and helped him when needed. It was a pleasure to watch and an example for everyone to follow.

Congrats to everyone for their efforts on the weekend at City of Sydney. A comment to the person who started this topic about people not really respecting the younger bowlers, and especially bowlers who compete in Restricted events. It makes me laugh, really, to think that Open bowlers, and there are more than just a few, have a good laugh at the younger, less experienced who are in the lower grades when they are just playing the sport that they love and doing their best to achieve something for themselves. I was never what you would call an excellent bowler, but I made shield, and even though I didn't get many games I still felt like I had worked my way up to a level that I was aiming for.

These guys who just laugh and make fun of younger, lower graded bowlers, are just laughing at themselves because where do they think that they started originally?? Do they think that they just popped out of the woodwork with 180+ averages overnight, with no coaching or tournament experience - and if you think you did, wake up! I came 4th in National restricted masters in 1993 which I thought was pretty mad, then in 1994 I made the NSW Central Presidents Shield team which just totally blew me out of the water, and this was when it was alot harder to make, and the bowlers were just as good as they are today in Open, and we fielded a roll-off of more than the required 20 qualifiers.

C'mon guys, give the younger guys a break, because like my junior days when I was in "C" grade, and "B" grade, and the names Maxine Nable, David Brooker and Katie Stuart were mentioned, I really admired and respected them for what they were achieving in the junior ranks, and if this kind of laughing and making fun of people goes on, then the respect for the higher average bowlers and bowling in general will just disappear.

I know this post dragged on a bit, but I think that everything I said had to be said.


thanx for the statement of where did they all start and i think it is good that there r only a couple of people who r saying restricted isnt where u want to be and i have noticed the two people that said it to me were two that didnt make open masters.

i would just like to make clear that at 12 i am very happy to have had the oppurtunity to bowl in restricted this being my 1st as in a yr or 2 (if that long) i wont be able to bowl graded and i think graded is a great learning step!
To D and Brad
Us Astill's all totally agree 100% with both of you.
I myself had a great time being in restricted masters and i have won gosford restricted masters and had a couple of seconds in other events including city of sydney. I think it is a great learning experience and we are better off as bowlers having been involved in it.
I would just like to congratulate you D on coming 2nd it is a great acheivment and you should be very proud of yourself in doing this.
Good luck in your future bowling.
Love Michelle.
On this note I would like to say how proud I was of the boys at the Mid North Coast Champs. One player had to pull out of the teams event because of injury and a replacemant had to be found, one was a 'D' grade bowler to bowl in an 'O' team. Those 'O' bowlers treated that boy with nothing but respect, they applauded him and helped him when needed. It was a pleasure to watch and an example for everyone to follow.
I am glad to see that some of the top bowlers dont have a problem with the restricted bowlers

The few that do i would just like to say and where did you all start??
I am glad to see that some of the top bowlers dont have a problem with the restricted bowlers

The few that do i would just like to say and where did you all start??
Well i would just like to congradulate Ross who came 2rd in the Restricted Final...Well done Ross, you are a little champ and we all love you!!!
Well i would just like to congradulate Ross who came 2rd in the Restricted Final...Well done Ross, you are a little champ and we all love you!!!
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